This is the list of BMS publications. It is in alphabetical order by the author's surname which is underscored.

K. Adiprasito. Characterization of polytopes via tilings with similar pieces. Discrete Computational Geometry, 47(2):424-429, 2012.

K. Adiprasito, and T. Zamfirescu. Large curvature on typical convex surfaces. Journal of Convex Analysis, 19(2):385-391, 2012.

K. Adiprasito. Infinite curvature on typical convex surfaces. Geometriae Dedicata, 159(1):267-275, 2012.

K. Adiprasito, and G. M. Ziegler. Many projectively unique polytopes. Inventiones mathematicae, 199(3):581-652, 2015.

A. Afuni. Local monotonicity for the Yang-Mills-Higgs flow. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 55(1):1-14, 2016.

D. Agostini, D. Alberelli, F. Grande, and P. Lella. The maximum likelihood degree of Fermat hypersurfaces. Journal of Algebraic Statistics, 6(2):108-132, 2015.

R. Altman, P. Betsch, and Y. Yang. Minimal extension for mechanical systems with control contraints. In proceedings of the 3rd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics and the 7th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics (IMSD-ACMD), Busan, Korea, June 30 - July 3, 2014:1000046173, 2014.

R. Altmann. Index reduction for operator differential-algebraic equations in elastodynamics. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM), 93(9):648-664, 2013.

R. Altmann. Moving Dirichlet boundary conditions. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 48(6):1859-1876, 2014.

R. Altmann, and J. Heil. Finite element decomposition and minimal extension for flow equations. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 49(5):1489-1509, 2015.

R. Altmann, P. Betsch, and Y. Yang. Index reduction by minimal extension for the inverse dynamics simulation of cranes. Multibody System Dynamics, 36(3):295-321, 2016.

R. Altmann, and C. Carstensen. P1-nonconforming finite elements on triangulations into triangles and quadrilaterals. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 50(2):418-438, 2012.

R. Altmann, P. Betsch, and Y. Yang. Numerical integration of underactuated mechanical systems subjected to mixed holonomic and servo constraints. In J. M. Font-Lagunes, Ed. Multibody Dynamics. Computational Methods and Applications:1-18. Springer, 2016.

R. Altmann, P. Betsch, and Y. Yang. Minimal extension for mechanical systems with control constraints. In proceedings of the 3rd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics and the 7th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics (IMSD-ACMD), Busan, Korea, June 30 - July 3, 2014:1-12, 2014.

R. Altmann. Modeling flexible multibody systems by moving Dirichlet boundary conditions. In proceedings of the Multibody Dynamics 2013 - ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, July 1 - July 4, 2013:561-568, 2013.

R. Altmann, and P. Schulze. A port-Hamiltonian formulation of the Navier–Stokes equations for reactive flows. Systems & Control Letters, 100:51-55, 2017.

R. Altmann, T. Levajkovic, and H. Mena. Operator differential-algebraic equations with noise arising in fluid dynamics. Monatshefte für Mathematik:1-40, 2016.

R. Altmann, P. Betsch, and Y. Yang. Numerical integration of underactuated mechanical systems subjected to mixed holonomic and servo constraints. In J. M. Font-Lagunes, Ed. Multibody Dinamics. Computational Methods and Applications, 42:1-18. Springer, 2016.

C. Amendola, J. C. Faugere, and B. Sturmfels. Moment varieties of Gaussian mixtures. Journal of Algebraic Statistics, 7(3):14-28, 2016.

C. Amendola, M. Drton, and B. Sturmfels. Maximum likelihood estimates for Gaussian mixtures are transcendental. In proceedings of the 6th International Conference Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences 2015, Berlin, Germany, November 11 - November 13, 2015:579-590, 2016.

S. Andres. Pathwise differentiability for SDEs in a convex polyhedron with oblique reflection. Annales de lâ Institut Henri Poincaré, 45(1):104-116, 2009.

S. Andres. Pathwise differentiability for SDEs in a smooth domain with reflection. Electronic Journal of Probability, 16(11):845-879, 2011.

S. Andres, and M. v. Renesse. Uniqueness and regularity properties for a system of interacting Bessel processes via the Muckenhoupt condition. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 364(3):1413-1426, 2012.

S. Andres, and M. v. Renesse. Particle approximation of the Wasserstein diffusion. Journal 
of Functional Analysis, 258(11):3879-3905, 2010.

A. Aryasomayajula. Bounds for Green’s functions on noncompact hyperbolic Riemann orbisurfaces of finite volume. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 280(1):85-133, 2015.

A. Aryasomayajula. A relation of two metrics on a noncompact hyperbolic Riemann orbisurface. Manuscripta Mathematica, 147(1):81-100, 2015.

A. Aryasomayajula. Bounds for canonical Green’s function at cusps. Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg, 84(2):233-256, 2014.

A. Aryasomayajula. A relation of cusp forms and Maass forms on product of hyperbolic Riemann orbisurfaces of finite volume. Mathematics Newsletter, 25(3):25-129, 2014.

A. Aryasomayajula. Heat kernel approach for sup-norm bounds for cusp forms of integral and half-integral weight. Archiv der Mathemathik, 106(2):165-173, 2016.

B. Assarf, and B. Nill. A bound for the splitting of smooth Fano polytopes with many vertices. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 43(1):153-172, 2015.

B. Assarf, E. Gawrilow, K. Herr, M. Joswig, B. Lorenz, A. Pfaffenholz, and T. Rhen. Computing convex hulls and counting integer points with polymake. Mathematical Programming Computation:1-38, 2016.

B. Assarf, M. Joswig, and A. Paffenholz. Smooth Fano polytopes with many vertices. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 52(2):153-194, 2014.

D. Atariah, S. Ghosh, and G. Rote. On the parameterization and the geometry of the configuration space of a single planar robot. Journal of WSCG, 21(1):11-20, 2013.

D. Atariah, S. Ghosh, and G. Rote. On the Parameterization and the Geometry of the Configuration Space of a Single Planar Robot. Journal of WSCG, 21:ISSN 1213-6972, 2013.

D. Atariah, and G. Rote. Configuration space visualization. In proceedings of the 28th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, Chapel Hill, USA, June 17 - June 20, 2012:415-416, 2012.

D. Atariah, and G. Rote. Configuration space visualization. In proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Geometry, November 30 -0001, 2012.

E. Babushkina, N. Bessonov, F. Ataullakhanov, and M. Panteleev. Continuous modelling of arterial platelet thrombus formation using a spatial adsorption equation. PLoS ONE:PLoS ONE, 2015.

E. Babushkina, N. Bessonov, A. Korzhenevskii, R. Bausch, and R. Schmitz. The domain of oscillatory growth in directional solidification of dilute binary alloys. Physical Review, E, 87(4):42, 2013.

N. Bessonov, E. Babushkina, S. F. Golovashchenko, A. Tosenberger, F. Ataullakhanov, M. Panteleev, A. A. Tokarev, and V. Volpert. Numerical simulation of blood flows with non-uniform distribution of erythrocytes and platelets. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, 28(5):443-458, 2013.

N. Bessonov, E. Babushkina, S. F. Golovashchenko, A. Tosenberger, F. Ataullakhanov, M. Panteleev, A. A. Tokarev, and V. Volpert. Numerical modelling of cell distribution in blood flow. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 9(6):69-84, 2014.

A. Tosenberger, V. Salnikov, N. Bessonov, E. Babushkina, and V. Volpert. Particle dynamics methods of blood flow simulations. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 6(5):320-332, 2011.

J. Backhoff, and U. Horst. Conditional analysis and a Principal-Agent problem. SIAM J. Financial Math., 7(1):477-507, 2016.

J. Backhoff, and J. Fontbona. Robust utility maximization without model compactness. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 7(1):70-103, 2016.

R. Banisch, N. Djurdjevac, and T. Conrad. Cycle-flow-based module detection in directed recurrence networks. Europhysics Letters, 108(6):68008, 2014.

R. Banisch, F. Hellmann, D. Rätzel, and M. Panteleev. The Unruh-deWitt detector and the vacuum in the general boundary formalism. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 30(23):23-26, 2013.

R. Banisch, N. Djurdjevac, T. Conrad, and C. Schütte. Reactive flows and unproductive cycles for random walks on complex networks. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 224(12):2369-2387, 2015.

C. Hartmann, R. Banisch, M. Sarich, T. Badowski, and C. Schütte. Characterization of rare events in molecular dynamics. Entropy, 16(1):350-376, 2015.

H. v. Bargen. A weak limit shape theorem for planar isotropic Brownian flows. Stochastics and Dynamics, 11(4):593-626, 2011.

H. v. Bargen. Ruelle’s inequality for isotropic Ornstein–Uhlenbeck flows. Stochastics and Dynamics, 10(1):143-154, 2010.

H. v. Bargen, and G. Dimitroff. Isotropic Ornstein–Uhlenbeck flows. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 119(7):2166-2197, 2009.

H. v. Bargen. Asymptotic growth of spatial derivatives of isotropic flows. Electronic Journal 
of Probability, 14(12):2328-2351, 2009.

G. Battiston. The variation of the monodromy group in families of stratified bundles in positive characteristic. Documenta Mathematica, 20(4):65-87, 2015.

L. Batzke. Generic rank-two perturbations of structured regular matrix pencils. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 458(1):638-670, 2014.

L. Batzke. Sign characteristics of regular Hermitian matrix pencils under generic rank-1 and rank-2 perturbations. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra ELA, 30(1):760-794, 2014.

L. Batzke. Generic rank-one perturbations of structural regular matrix pencils. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 458(4):638-670, 2014.

L. Batzke, and C. Mehl. On the inverse eigenvalue problem for T-alternating and T-palindromic matrix polynomials. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 452(4):172-191, 2014.

P. Bank, and C. Baumgarten. Parameter-dependent optimal stopping problems for one- dimensional diffusions. Electronic Journal of Probability, 15(64):1971-1993, 2010.

C. Baumgarten, and F. Aurzada. Survival probabilities of weighted random walks. ALEA, Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 8:235-258, 2011.

K. Beeler, K. S. Berenhaut, J. N. Cooper, M. N. Hunter, and P. S. Barr. Deterministic walks with choice. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 162(64):100-107, 2014.

T. Benacchio, and L. Bonaventura. Spectral collocation methods on semi-infinite domains and application to open boundary conditions. Oberwolfach Reports, 7(3):2027-2099, 2010.

T. Benacchio, and N. Wood. Semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian modelling of the atmosphere: a Met Office perspective. Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 8(1):1-22, 2016.

T. Benacchio, R. Klein, T. Dubos, and F. Voitus. Comments on “A Semihydrostatic Theory of Gravity-Dominated Compressible Flow”. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 72(7):2850-2851, 2015.

T. Benacchio, W. P. O’Neill, and R. Klein. A blended soundproof-to-compressible numerical model model for small- to mesoscale atmospheric dynamics. Monthly Weather Review, 142(12):4416-4438, 2014.

R. Klein, T. Benacchio, and W. P. O'Neill. Using the sound-proof limit for balanced data initialization. In proceedings of the ECMWF Seminar on Recent Developments in Numerical Methods for Atmosphere and Ocean Modelling, Reading, UK, September 2 - September 5, 2013:227-236, 2013.

R. Klein, and T. Benacchio. A doubly blended model for multiscale atmospheric dynamics. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 73(3):1179-1186, 2016.

B. Benedetti, and G. M. Ziegler. On locally constructible spheres and balls. Acta Mathematica, 206(2):205-243, 2011.

B. Benedetti, and M. Varbaro. Unmixed graphs that are domains. Communications in Algebra, 39(7):2260-2267, 2011.

B. Benedetti. Knot theory and robot arms. Oberwolfach Reports, 7(4):2732-2735, 2010.

B. Benedetti. Discrete Morse theory for manifolds with boundary. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 364(12):6631-6670, 2012.

B. Benedetti. Collapses, products and LC manifolds. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, A, 118(2):586-589, 2011.

B. Benedetti, A. Constantinescu, and M. Varbaro. Dimension, depth and zero-divisors of the algebra of basic k-covers of a graph. Le Matematiche, 63(2):117-156, 2008.

P. Berndt. On the use of the HLL-scheme or the simulation of the multi-species Euler equations. Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 78:809-816, 2014.

S. Wolff, P. Berndt, J. Schäpel, and R. King. State estimation for homogeneous 1-D Euler equations by unscented Kalman filtering. In proceedings of the ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Columbus, USA, October 20 - October 30, 2015:57250, 2015.

T. Achterberg, T. Berthold, T. Koch, and K. Wolter. Constraint integer programming: a new approach to integrate CP and MIP. In L. Perron, and M. A. Trick, Eds. Proceedings of CPAIOR 2008, 5015:6-20. Springer, 2008.

T. Achterberg, and T. Berthold. Hybrid branching. In proceedings of the Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Pittsburgh, USA, May 27 - May 31, 2009:309-311, 2009.

T. Achterberg, and T. Berthold. Improving the feasibility pump Mix Programming. In proceedings of the IMA Special Workshop on Mixed-Integer Programming, Minneapolis, USA, July 25 - July 29, 2005:77-86, 2007.

T. Berthold, and A. M. Gleixner. Undercover branching. In proceedings of the 12th International Symposium in Experimental Algorithms, SEA 2013, Rome, Italy, June 5 - June 7, 2013:212-223, 2013.

T. Berthold, and M. E. Pfetsch. Detecting orbitopal symmetries. In B. Fleischmann, Ed. Operations Research Proceedings:433-438. Springer, 2009.

T. Berthold. Heuristics of the branch-cut-and-price-framework SCIP. In J. Kalcsics, and S. Nickel, Eds. Operations Research Proceedings:31-36. Springer, 2008.

T. Berthold, and A. M. Gleixner. Undercover - a primal heuristic for MINLP based on sub-MIPs generated by set covering. In proceedings of the European Workshop on Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming, Marseille, France, April 12 - April 16, 2010:103-112, 2010.

T. Berthold, and A. M. Gleixner. Undercover: a primal MINLP heuristic exploring a largest sub-MIP.. MIP. Mathematical Programming, A, 144(1-2):315-346, 2014.

T. Berthold, T. Feydy, and P. J. Stuckey. Rapid learning for binary programs. In A. Lodi, M. Milano, and P. Toth, Eds. Proceedings of CPAIOR 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6140:51-55. Springer, 2010.

T. Berthold, S. Heinz, M. Lübbecke, R. H. Möhring, and J. Schulz. A constraint integer programming approach for resource-constrained project scheduling. In A. Lodi, M. Milano, and P. Toth, Eds. Proceedings of CPAIOR 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6140:313-317. Springer, 2010.

T. Berthold, S. Heinz, and J. Schulz. An approximative criterion for the potential of energetic 
reasoning. Theory and Practice of Algorithms in (Computer) Systems, 6595(1):229-239, 2011.

T. Berthold, A. M. Gleixner, S. Heinz, and S. Vigerske. Analyzing the computational impact of MIQCP solver components. Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 2(4):739-748, 2012.

T. Koch, T. Achterberg, E. Andersen, O. Bastert, T. Berthold, R. E. Bixby, E. Danna, G. Gamrath, A. M. Gleixner, S. Heinz, A. Lodi, H. Mittelmann, T. Ralphs, D. Salvagnin, D. E. Steffy, and K. Wolter. MIPLIB 2010. Mathematical Programming Computation, 3(2):103-163, 2011.

T. Bilarev, M. Aspenberg, and D. Schleicher. On the speed of convergence of Newton’s method for complex polynomials. Mathematics of Computation, 85(298):693-705, 2016.

G. Kewes, F. Binkowski, S. Burger, L. Zschiedrich, and O. Benson. Heuristic Modeling of Strong Coupling in Plasmonic Resonators. ACS Photonics, 5:4089, 2018.

L. Zschiedrich, F. Binkowski, N. Nikolay, O. Benson, G. Kewes, and S. Burger. Riesz-projection-based theory of light-matter interaction in dispersive nanoresonators. Phys. Rev. A, 98:043806, 2018.

R. Birkner. Polyhedra: a package for computations with convex polyhedral objects. Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry, 1(298):11-15, 2009.

R. Birkner, N. O. Ilten, and L. Petersen. ToricVectorBundles - a package for computations with equivariant toric vector bundles in Macaulay2. Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry, 2(298):11-14, 2010.

M. Biskamp. Asymptotic support theorem for planar isotropic Brownian flows. Annals of Probability, 41(2):669-721, 2013.

A. Bjelde, F. Fischer, and M. Klimm. Impartial selection and the power of up two choiches. In proceedings of the 11th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE), 9740, December 9 - December 15, 2015:146-158, 2015.

J. Blath, L. Döring, and A. Etheridge. On the moments and the interface of symbiotic branching processes. Annals of Probability, 39(1):252-290, 2011.

J. Blath, A. Gonzalez Casanova, N. Kurt, and D. Span. The ancestral process of long-range seed bank models. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 50(3):741-759, 2013.

W. Boiger. Entity Facts - ein neuer Dienst der deutschen Nationalbibliothek., 18(4):329-338, 2015.

W. Boiger, and C. Carstensen. A posteriori error analysis of stabilised FEM for degenerate convex minimisation problems under weak regularity assumptions. Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, 1(1):1-23, 2014.

W. Boiger. Entwicklung und Implementierung eines MARC21-MARCXML-Konverters in der Programmiersprache Perl. Perspektive Bibliothek, 4(2):33-59, 2015.

W. Boiger, and C. Carstensen. On the strong convergence of gradients in stabilised degenerate convex minimisation problems. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 47(6):4569-4580, 2010.

W. Boiger, C. Carstensen, and D. Praetorius. Strong convergence for large bodies in micromagnetics. In D. Iouth, Ed. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 7:1151203-1151204. Springer, 2007.

I. Bojarovska, and A. Flinth. Phase retrieval from Gabor measurements. Journal of Fourier Analysis Applications, 22(3):542-567, 2016.

R. Boll, and Y. B. Suris. Non-symmetric discrete Toda systems from quad-graphs. Applicable Analysis, 89(4):547-569, 2010.

R. Boll. Classification of 3D consistent quad-equations. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 18(3):337-365, 2011.

M. Borecki, and F. Caravenna. Localization for (1+1)-dimensional pinning models with (+Δ)-interaction. Electronic Communications in Probability, 15(3):534-548, 2010.

M. Blanco, R. Borndörfer, M. Brückner, N. D. Hoàng, and T. Schlechte. On the Path Avoiding Forbidden Pairs Polytope. In proceedings of the Lagos’15 - VIII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, May 11 - May 15, 2015:343-348, 2015.

S. Brodsky, M. Joswig, R. Morrison, and B. Sturmfels. Moduli of tropical plane curves. Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 2(4):1-31, 2015.

S. Brodsky, J.-P. Labbé, and C. Ceballos. Cluster algebras of type D4, tropical planes, and the positive tropical Grassmannian. Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, March 2017, 58(1):25-46, 2017.

S. B.. Brodsky, C. Ceballos, and J.-P. Labbé. Cluster algebras of type D4, tropical planes, and the positive tropical grassmannian. Beitr. Algebra Geom., 58(1):25-46, 2017.

S. Brodsky, and B. Sturmfels. Tropical quadrics through three points. Linear algebra and its Applications, 435(7):1778-1785, 2011.

G. Bruns. Twists of Mukai bundles and the geometry of the level 3 modular variety over M_8. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 370(12):8359-8376, 2018.

G. Bruns. R_15 is of general type. Algebra Number Theory, 10(9):1949-1964, 2016.

B. Bugert, and G. Schmidt. Analytical investigation of an integral equation method for electromagnetic scattering by biperiodic structures. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, S, 8:435-473, 2015.

C. Bösing, and J. Maue. Robust algorithms for sorting railway cars. Proceedings of ESA 2010, 6436:350-361, 2010.

C. Bösing, and F. D'Andreagiovanni. A new theoretical framework for Robust Optimization under multi-band uncertainty. In S. Helber, Ed. Operations Research Proceedings, 2012:115-121. Springer, 2014.

C. Bösing, A. M. C. A. Koster, and M. Kutschka. Recoverable robust knapsacks: gamma-scenarios. In proceedings of the INOC 2011, International Network Optimization Conference, Hamburg, Germany, June 13 - June 16, 2011:583-588, 2011.

C. Bösing. Graphen- und Netzwerk Optimierung. Springer, 2010.

U. Steglich, T. Bauschert, C. Bösing, and M. Kutschka. A generic multi-layer network optimization model with demand uncertainty. In proceedings of the 19th EUNICE/IFIP WG 6.6 International Workshop, Chemnitz, Germany, August 1 - August 4, 2013:13-24, 2013.

C. Büsing. The exact subgraph recoverable robust shortest path problem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5868(4):231-248, 2009.

C. Büsing, and S. Stiller. Line planning, path constrained network flow and inapproximability. Networks, 57(4):106-113, 2011.

C. Büsing, A. M. C. A. Koster, and M. Kutschka. Recoverable robust knapsacks: the discrete scenario case. Optimization Letters, 5(4):379-392, 2011.

C. Büsing. Recoverable robust shortest path problems. Networks, 59(4):181-189, 2012.

C. Büsing, and G. Hoever. Kreuz und quer durchs Land der Graphen - Projekte aus der Graphentheorie für Schülerinnen und Schüler. Der Mathematikunterricht, 58(4):52-63, 2012.

C. Büsing, and F. D’Andreagiovanni. New results about multi-band uncertainty in Robust Optimization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7276(4):63-74, 2012.

C. Büsing. The Exact Subgraph Recoverable Robust Shortest Path Problem. Robust and Online Large-Scale Optimization:231-248. LNCS 5868, 2010.

C. Büsing. Recoverable Robustness in Combinatorial Optimization. Cuvillier Verlag, 2011.

C. Büsing, and J. Maue. Robust Algorithms for Sorting Railway Cars. Algorithms - ESA 2010:350-361. LNCS 6346, 2010.

C. Büsing. Graphen- und Netzwerkoptimierung. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2010.

C. Carstensen, K. Hackl, and A. Mielke. Non-convex potentials and microstructures in finite-strain plasicity. Royal Society London, A, 458:299-317, 2002.

J. Blath, A. G. Casanova, B. Eldon, N. Kurt, and M. Wilke-Berenguer. Genetic variability under the seed bank coalescent. Genetics, 200(3):921-934, 2015.

A. G. Casanova, N. Kurt, A. Wakolbinger, and L. Yuan. An individual-based mathematical model for the Lenski experiment and the deceleration of the relative fitness. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 126(8):2211-2252, 2016.

N. Bergeron, C. Ceballos, and J.-P. Labbé. Fan realizations of type A subword complexes and multi-associahedra of rank 3. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 54(1):195-231, 2015.

C. Ceballos, T. Denton, and C. Hanusa. Combinatorics of the zeta map on rational Dyck paths. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, A, 141:33-77, 2016.

C. Ceballos, and V. Pilaud. Cluster algebras of type D: pseudotriangulations approach. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22(4):Paper P44, 2016.

C. Ceballos, and G. M. Ziegler. Realizing the associahedron: mysteries and questions. In F. Müller-Hoissen, J. Pallo, and J. Stasheff, Eds. Associahedra, Tamari Lattices and Related Structures, Tamari Memorial Festschrift. Progress in Mathematics, 299:119-127. Birkhäuser, 2012.

C. Ceballos, A. Padrol, and C. Sarmiento. Dyck path triangulations and extendability. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, A, 131:187-208, 2015.

C. Ceballos, and F. Ardila. Acyclic systems of permutations and fine mixed subdivisions of simplices. Discrete and Computational Geometry, 49(3):485-510, 2013.

C. Ceballos, J.-P. Labbé, and C. Stump. Subword complexes, cluster complexes, and generalized multiassociahedra. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 39(1):17-51, 2014.

C. Ceballos, F. Santos, and G. M. Ziegler. Many non-equivalent realizations of the associahedron. Combinatorica, 35(5):513-551, 2015.

C. Ceballos, and V. Pilaud. Denominator vectors and compatibility degrees in cluster algebras of finite type. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 367(5):1421-1439, 2015.

C. Ceballos, and V. Pilaud. The diameter of type D associahedra and the non-leaving-face property. European Journal of Combinatorics, 51(5):109-124, 2016.

M. Ansorg, J. Hennig, and C. Cederbaum. Universal properties of distorted Kerr-Newman black holes. General Relativity and Gravitation, 43(16):1205-1210, 2011.

J. Hennig, C. Cederbaum, and M. Ansorg. A universal inequality for axisymmetric and stationary black holes with surrounding matter in the Einstein-Maxwell theory. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 293(16):449-467, 2010.

J. Henning, M. Ansorg, and C. Cederbaum. A universal inequality between the angular momentum and horizon area for axisymmetric and stationary black holes with surrounding matter. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 25(16):162002-162010, 2008.

T. Chappell, T. Friedl, and R. Sanyal. Two Double Poset Polytopes. SIAM J. Discrete Math, 31(4):2378-2413, 2017.

H. Chen, and J.-P. Labbé. Limit directions for Lorentzian Coxeter systems. Groups Geom. Dyn., 11:469-498, 2017.

H. Chen, and J.-P. Labbé. Lorentzian Coxeter systems and Boyd-Maxwell ball packings. Geometriae Dedicata, 174(1):43-73, 2015.

A. Chiarini, A. Cipriani, and R. S. Hazra. A note on the extremal process of the supercritical Gaussian Free Field. Electronic Journal of Probability, 20(74):1-10, 2015.

A. Chiarini, and M. Fischer. On large deviations for small noise Itô processes. Advances in Applied Probability, 46(4):1126-1147, 2014.

A. Chiarini, and J.-D. Deuschel. Local central limit theorem for diffusions in a degenerate and unbounded random medium. Electronic Journal of Probability, 20(112):1-30, 2015.

D. Chubelaschwili, and U. Pinkall. Elastic strips. Manuscripta Mathematica, 133(3):307-326, 2010.

D. Clemens, A. Ferber, R. Glebov, and A. Liebenau. Building spanning trees quickly in Maker-Breaker games. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 29(3):1683-1705, 2015.

D. Clemens, J. Ehrenmüller, Y. Person, and T. Tran. Keeping Avoider's graph almost acyclic. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22(1):Paper P1.60, 2015.

N. Condette, C. Melcher, and E. Süli. Spectral approximation of pattern-forming nonlinear evolution equations with double-well potentials of quadratic growth. Mathematics of Computation, 80(273):205-223, 2011.

G. Conforti, S. De Marco, and J.-D. Deuschel. On small-noise equations with degenerate limiting system arising from volatility models. In P. K. Friz, Ed. Large Deviations and Asymptomatic Methods in Finance:473-505. Springer, 2015.

G. Conforti, C. Léonard, R. Murr, and S. Roelly. Bridges of Markow counting processes Reciprocal classes and duality formulas. Electronic Communications in Probability, 20(18):1-12, 2015.

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