Michael Högele receives the Adlershof Dissertation Award 2011.

"Convince us, show us what you have done over the last three years!" This challenge was directed to three junior scientists nominated for the Adlershof Dissertation Award 2011. Their task was to present the topic of their dissertation in a 15 min talk understandable to a general audience. After the presentations of the nominees it was a difficult decision for the judges who consisted of a mathematician, a psychologist and a physicist. Finally, the award went to award BMS alumnus Dr. Michael Högele.

Michael wrote his dissertation at the Institute of Mathematics at the Humboldt-Universität on stastical probabilistic interpretations of climate time series. he described how the last ice age, 90,000 to 20,000 years ago, had not been relatively equally cold but also had abrupt changes of temperature, with differences of 8 degrees celsius within 60 to 80 years. Michael analyzed the patterns of such temperature
changes with mathematical models.

The Adlershof Dissertation Award is awarded annually by the Humboldt-Universität, the Initiativgemeinschaft Außeruniversitärer Forschungseinrichtungen in Adlershof e.V. (IGAFA) and the WISTA-MANAGEMENT GMBH. It comes with a cash award of 3,000 Euros. The judges consist of leading personalities of the three awarding institutions.

Graduates with a doctoral degree from research institutions located in Adlershof who received at least a "magna cum laude" for their doctorate are eligible for the prize.

Congratulations to Michael!

For more information in German please read the press release from IGAFA: