On Friday 22 May 2015, the BMS welcomed a delegation of 16 undergraduate students and four faculty members from Morehouse and Spelman colleges in Atlanta, USA. This event aimed to give the students and faculty a chance to connect with their counterparts in Germany and gain first-hand exposure to prospective careers and research opportunities in the field of mathematics.
BMS Deputy Chair, Prof. Dr. John Sullivan, began by giving a presentation about the structure of the BMS and the PhD Program. This was followed by talks from four BMS Phase II students, who each presented their own research projects. The delegation also visited TU Berlin's 3D LAB.
The American students and faculty were then given the chance to interact informally with BMS students and staff at lunchtime.
This visit was part of the STEM LAUNCH Study Tour of Germany organized by Cultural Vistas, a non-profit organization that facilitates connections between American and international students, academics and professionals.
© William Maier and Forough Sodoudi