In their rich, diverse and international mathematical environments, the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) and the Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics (BGSMath) share the common goal of striving for excellence in their doctoral and postdoctoral training programs. To kick off the new collaboration between these two graduate schools, the first BMS - BGSMath Junior Meeting was held in Barcelona on 9 and 10 October 2017.
The aim of this meeting was to bring together young researchers from the two cities, and the organizing committee was made up of PhD students and postdocs from both the BMS and BGSMath. In total there were 71 registered participants, 20 of whom were affiliated with Berlin universities and included 16 members of the BMS student body and postdoctoral faculty. The meeting was opened by the BMS Deputy Chair Prof. John M. Sullivan and the BGSMath Director Prof. Marc Noy, and was divided into three sections: Algebra & Geometry; Discrete Mathematics & Computer Science; and Probability, Statistics & PDEs. Each section consisted of one keynote address by a senior researcher and eight short talks by PhD students and postdocs from both the Berlin and the Barcelona side.
The BMS and BGSMath have declared their intention to cooperate together in initiatives aimed at promoting the mobility of and exchange between students and faculty members by way of events such as the Junior Meeting; joint summer schools; mutual visits by advanced students and postdocs of each institution; and other scientific activities. The ultimate goal is to create strong scientific exchange, strengthen research collaboration between the respective math communities, and enhance the multicultural environment of both graduate schools.
The BMS would like to thank Bahareh Banyassady, Katharina Klost, Jean-Philippe Labbé and Martin Wahl for their hard work and commitment in getting the first BMS joint event with BGSMath off the ground!
Written by S. E. Sutherland-Figini