The Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) was again successful in the German Excellence Initiative and will receive funding for another five years. The joint commission of the German Research Council (DFG) and the "Wissenschaftsrat" announced their decision on June 15, 2012.
The second funding period of the BMS, a joint graduate school run by the mathematics institutes of TU, FU and HU Berlin, will run until October 2017. After that the BMS will be funded as a permanent institution by the three host universities.
"We are very happy about this decision and view it as a confirmation of what we have accomplished: The Berlin Mathematical School will get continued support and we will have further opportunities for development. We will be able to compete even better for top international students and will specifically extend the international © TU Berlin/Pressestelle/Ruta
component of our program", says FU professor Konrad Polthier, chairman of the BMS, in a first statement.
Chairman-elect John M. Sullivan, Professor at TU Berlin adds: "The efforts we have put into the BMS over the past six years were acknowledged today. The BMS has gained worldwide renown as an excellent place for promising young mathematicians to do their graduate studies." Jürg Kramer, Professor at HU Berlin and BMS co-chair, agrees: "It has been be very exciting to watch the BMS grow over the past six years. We are greatly looking forward to pursuing our future goals with the support from the Excellence Initiative, while providing our doctoral students with a first-class academic home."
Founded in 2006, the BMS reached its full size of over 170 students by 2011 and has produced more than 50 graduates. BMS Alumni work as postdocs all over the world: in Berkeley, Paris, Boston, Stockholm, Princeton, and Zurich, among other places. From 2006 to 2012 the Excellence Initiative provided the BMS with roughly 5.8 million euros.
The BMS offers a structured program taught in English that leads students with a bachelor¹s degree to the dissertation within four to five years. It is designed for outstanding candidates from around the globe. Its goal to recruit 50% of its students from abroad has already been achieved. Currently, 30% of the students are women; in the long run, the BMS aims to reach equal representation of men and women.
Plans for the second funding period include coordinated research stays abroad, especially for German students. To that end, strategic co-operation agreements have been signed with selected universities (Warwick, Zurich); further are to follow. In addition, the BMS postdoctoral program will be extended so that BMS students can profit from an even greater variety of specialized courses.
For further information please contact:
FU Berlin: Prof. Dr. Konrad Polthier, BMS Chairman, E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone: +49-30-838-75871
HU Berlin: Prof. Dr. Jürg Kramer, Co-Chair, E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone: +49-30-2093 - 5842
TU Berlin: Prof. John M. Sullivan, Chairman-elect, E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone: +49-30-314-29279
Sofía from Colombia
Sofia Garzon, BMS Phase II Student, MSc Freie Universität Berlin, BSc Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá
Martha from Uganda
Martha Nansubuga, BMS Phase II Student, MSc Humboldt University of Berlin, MSc University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) Under...
Sophia from the US
Sophia Elia, BMS Phase II Student, BMS Qualifying Exam, Msc FU Berlin, BA UC Berkeley, California
Li Li from China
Li Li, BMS Phase II Student, BMS Qualifying Exam, Msc HU Berlin, BSc Tsinghua University
Dragana from Serbia
Dragana Radojičić, BMS Alumna, MSc TU Berlin, Qualifying Exam BMS, BSc University of Belgrade
Alexander from the United Kingdom
Alexander Fairley, BMS Phase II student,Qualifying Exam BMS, BSc University of Glasgow
Efstathia from Greece
Efstathia Katsigianni, BMS Phase II Student, MSc HU Berlin, Qualifying Exam BMS, BSc University of Patras
Christoph from Germany
Christoph Gorgulla, BMS Alumnus, PhD completed in May 2018, MSc Freie Universität Berlin, BSc Freie Universität Berlin
Ignacio from Chile
Ignacio Barros, BMS Alumnus, PhD completed in June 2018, Qualifying Exam BMS, MSc Freie Universität Berlin, BSc Pontific...
Todor from Bulgaria
Todor Bilarev, BMS Phase II Student, Qualifying Exam BMS, MSc Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, BSc Jacobs University Brem...
Renewed funding for the BMS |