Short Course: A combinatorial introduction to Tropical Geometry
September 12-15, 2007 at TU Berlin
This short course gives an introduction to tropical geometry, emphasizing combinatorial and computational aspects. It consists of ten lectures by Bernd Sturmfels, three each on Wednesday and Friday, and two each on Thursday and Saturday. In addition, there will be enough time for informal discussion, working sessions, software exercises, and a few shorter contributed talks. The lectures will cover the following topics:
- Newton polytopes and tropical hypersurfaces
- Geometry over power series fields
- Computing tropical varieties
- Tropical linear algebra
- Grassmannians and determinantal varieties
- Tropical convexity and affine buildings
- F-vectors of linear spaces and matroid theory
- Implicitization and elimination
- Tropical discriminants
- Curves and intersection numbers
Dates: Wednesday, Sept. 12, 9 a.m. until Saturday, Sept. 15, 2007
Place: TU Berlin
Mathematics Building
Straße des 17. Juni 136
D-10623 Berlin
Room MA 314/314, 3rd floor
If you want to take part, please send a short email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
See the COURSE HOMEPAGE for a detailed schedule and other information.