If you are a lecturer at FU, HU, TU or U Potsdam and would like to add your course to this list, please email the relevant info to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

These are the Advanced Courses for the summer semester 2022.

(We are still updating some information on this page, so please refer it to it again before making a final decision about which courses to take.)

1. Differential geometry, global analysis, and mathematical physics

Title: Quantum Computational Methods
Lecturer: L. Delle Site, FU
Location: A6/SR 009 Seminarraum
Type: Seminar (2h)
Seminar: TUE 10-12
See also here.

Title: Differential Geometry IV
Lecturer: Walpuski, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 1.115 (RUD25)
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: TUE 9-11 and THU 9-11
Tutorial: WED 9-11
See also here.

Title: Mathematics of conformal field theory
Lecturer: Borot, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 2.006 (RUD25)
Type: Seminar (2h)
Seminar: MON 13-15

Title: Topics in Geometric Analysis - Introduction to the Ricci Flow
Lecturer: Dwivedi, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 1.012 (RUD25)
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: MON 9-11 and TUE 11-13
Tutorial: MON 11-13
See also here.

Title: Mathematical Physics II
Lecturer: Suris, TU
Location: MA 142 and MA 376
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: TUE 10-12 and WED 14-16
Tutorial: THU 10-12
See also here.

Title: Riemannian Surfaces. Differential Geometry III
Lecturer: Bobenko, TU
Location: MA 376
Type: Lecture (4h)
Lecture: MON 10-12 and TUE 10-12

Title: Spin Geometry
Lecturer: Bär, U Potsdam
Location: House 9, Room 0.14 and Room 1.10. (Tutorial)
Type: Lecture (4h)
Lecture: MON 16-18 and FRI 14-16
Tutorial: MON 10-12

Title: Groupoids and applications in mathematical physics
Lecturer: Paycha, U Potsdam
Location: online
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: MON 12-14
Tutorial: WED 12-14
See also here.

2. Algebraic and arithmetic geometry, number theory

Title: Combinatorics & Commutative Algebra
Lecturer: Haase, FU
Location: A3/019 Seminarraum
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: TUE 14-16
Tutorial: TUE 16-18
See also here.

Title: Non-abelian hodge theory, tame and wild
Lecturer: Klingler, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 3.006 and 4.007 (RUD25)
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: TUE 9-11 and WED 11-13
Tutorial: MON 13-15

Title: Arithmetic Geometry
Lecturer: Große-Klönne, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 1.114 (RUD25)
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: TUE 13-15 and WED 9-11
Tutorial: WED 13-15
See also here.

Title: Seminar: Algebra
Lecturer: Große-Klönne, HU
Location: Erwin Schrödinger-Zentrum/Modul 1 - 1304 (RUD26)
Type: Seminar (2h)
Seminar: TUE 15-17

Title: Abelian varieties
Lecturer: Ortega, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 2.006 (RUD25)
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: THU 11-13 and FR 9-11
Tutorial: THU 13-15

Title: Random Real Algebraic Geometry
Lecturer: Bürgisser, TU
Location: MA 144
Type: Lecture (2h)
Lecture: MON 12.00 - 13.30

3. Stochastics and mathematical finance

Title: High-dimensional probability
Lecturer: Koltai, FU
Location: A7/SR 140 Seminarraum
Type: Seminar (2h)
Seminar: WED 16-17:30

Title: SPDEs: Classical and new
Lecturer: van Zuijlen, FU
Location: A6/SR 032 Seminarraum
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: MON 14-16
Tutorial: WED 10-12
See also here.

Title: Mathematical Statistics
Lecturer: Reiß, HU
Location: Erwin Schrödinger-Zentrum/Modul 1 - 0110 and 1304 (RUD26)
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: MON 11-13 and THU 11-13
Tutorial: MON 15-17

Title: Continuous Time Finance
Lecturer: Hager, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 2.006 (RUD25)
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (1h)
Lecture: MON 9-11
Tutorial: MON 11-13 (every two weeks)

Title: The Gaussian free field: probabilistic and algebraic aspects
Lecturer: Baverez, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 1.011 (RUD25)
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: WED 9-11 and THU 9-11
Tutorial: THU 11-13

Title: Interest rate modelling and derivative pricing
Lecturer: Schlenkrich, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 3.006 (RUD25)
Type: Lecture (2h)
Lecture: FRI 11-13

Title: Branching processes
Lecturer: Xu, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 3.008 (RUD25)
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: MON 13-15
Tutorial: WED 13-15 (every two weeks)

Title: Financial Mathematics II
Lecturer: Bank, TU
Location: MA 043
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: MON 10-12 and TUE 10-12
Tutorial: THU 14-16

Title: Probabilistic Methods in Telecommunication
Lecturer: König, TU
Location: MA 650
Type: Lecture (2h) + seminar (2h)
Lecture: MON 10-12
Seminar: TUE 16-18

Title: Malliavin Calculus
Lecturer: Stannat, TU
Location: MA 751
Type: Lecture (2h)
Lecture: THU 16-18

4. Discrete mathematics and optimization

Title: The Container Method
Lecturer: Mattos, FU
Location: A3/SR 120
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: WED 10-12
Tutorial: FR 10-12 

Title: Advances in extremal combinatorics
Lecturer: Szabó, FU
Location: A6/SR 032
Type: Seminar (2h)
Seminar: WED 12-14

Title: Discrete optimization 
Lecturer: McCormick, TU
Location: MA 041
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: TUE 10-12 and THU 12-14
Tutorial: THU 10-12

Title: Discrete structures III
Lecturer: Felsner, TU
Location: MA 544
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: TUE 10-12 and THU 10-12
Tutorial: THU 14-16
See also here.

Title: Flips and flip-graphs
Lecturer: Felsner, TU
Location: MA 415 First meeting 22 Apr at 2.00 pm
Type: Seminar
Time: block seminar, tbd
See also here.

Title: Discrete geometry III
Lecturer: Henk, TU
Location: MA 550 and MA 548
Type: Lecture (2h)
Lecture: TUE 10-12

Title: Discrete and convex geometry
Lecturer: Henk, TU
Location: MA 744 First meeting 20 Apr at 2.15 pm
Type: Seminar
Seminar: tbd 

5. Geometry, topology, and visualization

Title: Research seminar: Discrete Geometry
Lecturer: Frick, Rehberg, FU
Location: A6/SR 009 Seminarraum
Type: Seminar (2h)
Seminar: WED 16-18
See also here.

Title: Topological Combinatorics
Lecturer: Blagojevic, FU
Location: A3/024 Seminarraum
Type: Seminar (2h)
Lecture: MON 12-14

Title: Geometry and Topology in a Discrete Setting
Lecturer: Blagojevic, Frick, FU
Location: tba
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: tba
Tutorial: tba

Title: Discrete Geometry II
Lecturer: Frick, FU 
Location: T9/055 Seminarraum
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: TUE 14-16 and WED 14-16
Tutorial: TUE 16-18
See also here.

Title: Topology III
Lecturer: Blagojevic, FU 
Location: A6/SR 032 Seminarraum
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: TUE 8-10 or WED 8-10
Tutorial: FR 8-10

Title: Geometric filling problems a la Gromov
Lecturer: Müller, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 2.006 (RUD25)
Type: Seminar
Lecture: WED 13-15

Title: Geometry II
Lecturer: Springborn, TU
Location: MA 650 (MON), MA 851 (THU), MA 744 (Tutorial)
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: MON 14-16 and THU 14-16
Tutorial: WED 12-14
See also here.

Title: Mathematical Visualization II
Lecturer: Sullivan, TU
Location: MA 541 (TUE), MA 851 (THU), MA 645 (Tutorial)
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: TUE 12-14 and THU 12-14
Tutorial: WED 14-16

Title: Discrete and Computational Topology
Lecturer: Lutz, TU
Location: tba
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: tba
Tutorial: tba

6. Numerical analysis and scientific computing

Title: Numerics of nonlinear partial differential equations
Lecturer: Carstensen, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 3.006 (RUD25)
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: THU 9-11
Tutorial: THU 11-13 (every 2 weeks)

Title: Mathematical Modeling of complex social systems
Lecturer: Wolf, Winkelmann, Conrad, FU
Location: KöLu24-26/SR 006 Neuro/Mathe
Type: Seminar (2h)
Seminar: FR 10-11:30

Title: Numerics IV
Lecturer: Djurdjevac, FU 
Location: T9/055 Seminarraum (Lecture), A3/SR119 (Tutorial)
Type: Lecture (2h) + Tutorial (2h)
Lecture: MON 14-16 (starts 25 April)
Tutorial: WED 10-12 (starts 27 April)

Title: Harmonic Analysis I
Lecturer: Quellmalz, TU
Location: Mathematics Building (Straße des 17. Juni 136)
Lectures: Tue 14-16 (room MA 141), Thu 10-12 (room MA 549)
Exercise: Tue 12-14 (room MA 650)
See also here.

Title: Master seminar on Numerical Mathematics
Lecturer: John, FU
Location: A3/SR 119 (Arnimallee 3-5)
Type: Seminar (2h)
Seminar: WED 14-16

7. Applied analysis and differential equations

Title: Partial Differential Equations III
Lecturer: Al-Afuni, FU
Location: virtual room 22
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: THU 12-14
Tutorial: MON 12-14

Title: SPDEs: Classical and new
Lecturer: van Zuijlen, FU
Location: A6/SR 032 Seminarraum
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: MON 14-16
Tutorial: WED 10-12
See also here.

Title: Operator semigroups
Lecturer: Koltai, FU
Location: A6/SR 115
Type: Lecture (2h) + Tutorial (2h)
Lecture: THU 8-9:30
Tutorial: WED 8-9:30

Title: Functional Analysis Applied to Modeling of Molecular Systems
Lecturer: Delle Site, FU
Location: A6/SR 025/026
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: MON 12-14
Tutorial: TUE 12-14
See also here.

Title: Advanced Differential Equations
Lecturer: Fiedler, Lopez Nieto, FU
Location: A7/SR 140 Seminarraum
Type: Seminar (2h)
Seminar: THU 14-16

Title: Nonlinear Dynamics
Lecturer: Fiedler, FU
Location: online - Virtueller Raum 26
Type: Seminar
Seminar: TUE 14-18

Title: Optimization for partial differential equations
Lecturer: Hante, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 3.011 (RUD25)
Type: Lecture (4h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: MON 9-11 and FR 11-13
Tutorial: MON 11-13

Title: Dynamical Systems and Applications
Lecturer: Yanchuk, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 3.007 (RUD25)
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: WED 13-15
Tutorial: WED 15-17

Title: Variational calculation and optimal control
Lecturer: Karow, TU
Location: MA005 and MA042
Type: Lecture (4h)
Lecture: TUE 16-18 and THU 16-18

Title: Stochastic partial differential equations
Lecturer: Stannat, TU
Location: MA 751 
Type: Seminar (2h)
Seminar: TUE 16-18

8. Mathematics of data science

Title: Mathematics for machine and reinforcing learning and Markov decision processes
Lecturer: Becherer, HU
Location: Johann von Neumann-Haus - 1.114
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: TUE 9-11
Tutorial: TUE 11-13 (every two weeks)

Title: Models of biological neural networks
Lecturer: Schwalger, TU
Location: MAR 0.008
Type: Seminar (2h)
Seminar: THU 16-18

Title: Discrete Optimization and Machine Learning
Lecturer: Pokutta, TU
Location: tba
Type: Seminar
Seminar: tba

*Additional courses:

Title: Multi Scale Methods in Molecular Systems
Lecturer: Delle Site, FU
Location: A3/SR 115
Type: Seminar (2h)
Seminar: WED 10-12
See also here.

Title: Methods of Molecular Simulations
Lecturer: Höfling, FU
Location: A3/SR 115 Seminarraum 
Type: Lecture (2h) + tutorial (2h)
Lecture: MON 10-12 
Tutorial: THU 10-12

Title: Stochastic models in neuroscience
Lecturer: Schwalger, TU
Location: MAR 0.013
Type: Seminar (2h)
Seminar: TUE 16-18