These are the Basic Courses for the winter semester 2020/21.


1. Differential geometry, global analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Analysis and geometry on mainfolds - Differentialgeometrie I
Lecturer: Walpuski, HU
Location: online
Lectures: TUE 11-13 and WED 11-13
Tutorials: WED 9-11
Introduction Video

Title: Analysis and geometry on mainfolds - Differentialgeometrie II
Lecturer: Pinkall, TU
Location: online
Lectures: WED 12-14 and THU 14-16
Tutorials: MON 16-18 or WED 16-18
Introduction Video


2. Algebraic and arithmetic geometry, number theory
Title: Commutative algebra - Algebra II
Lecturer: Kramer, HU
Location: online
Lectures: TUE 9-11 and THU 9-11
Tutorials: THU 11-13
Introduction slides

3. Stochastics and mathematical finance
Title: Stochastic processes I: discrete time - Stochastik II
Lecturer: Reiß, HU
Location: online
Lectures: TUE 11-13 and THU 9-11
Tutorials: TUE 13-15

Title: Stochastic processes I: discrete time - Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie II
Lecturer: König, TU
Location: online
Lectures: MON 12-14 and TUE 16-18
Tutorials: WED 14-16
Introduction Video

Title: Stochastic processes II: continuous time - Stochastics III
Lecturer: Perkowski, FU
Location: online and Institut fof Mathematics, FU Berlin
Lectures: MON 12-14 and WED 10-12, Virtueller Raum 20
Tutorials: WED 12-14, Arnimallee 7, SR 031
Introduction Video


4. Discrete mathematics and optimization
Title: Discrete optimization - Algorithmic Combinatorics
Lecturer: Szabó, FU
Location: online
Lectures: TUE 12-14 and WED 14-16, Virtueller Raum 23
Tutorials: THU 8-10, Virtueller Raum 06

Title: Discrete optimization - Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics I
Lecturer: Klimm, TU
Location: online, TU Berlin
Lectures: TUE 10-12 and THU 12-14
Tutorials:WED 8-10

Title: Nonlinear optimization - Nichtlineare optimierung
Lecturer: Walther, HU
Location: online
Lectures: WED 13-15 and THU 11-13
Tutorials: THU 9-11


5. Geometry, topology, and visualization
Title: Classical geometry - Geometrie I
Lecturer: Bobenko, TU
Location: online
Lectures: WED 14-16 and THU 10-12
Tutorials: WED 12-14 or THU 14-16

Title: Discrete geometry - Diskrete Geometrie I
Lecturer: Beck, FU
Location: online and Institute of Mathematics, FU Berlin
Lectures: TUE 8-10 and FRI 10-12, Takustr. 9, Gr. Hörsaal
Tutorials: THU 12-14, Virtueller Raum 24
Introduction Video

Title: Algebraic topology - Topologie
Lecturer: Sullivan, TU
Location: online
Lectures: MON 10-12 and 12-14
Tutorials: MON 14-16 or FRI 10-12 (according to the Moses Webpage)
Tutorials: MON 14.00 - 14.45 and TUE 14.00 - 14.45(according to the ISIS webpage)


6. Numerical analysis and scientific computing
Title: Numerical methods for ODEs and numerical linear algebra - Numerik gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen
Lecturer: Tischendorf, HU
Location: online
Lectures: MON 9-11 and THU 11-13
Tutorials: WED 13-15

Title: Numerical methods for ODEs and numerical linear algebra - Numerik II
Lecturer: John, FU
Location: online and Institute of Mathematics, FU Berlin
Lectures: MON 14-16 and 16-18, Takustr. 9, Gr. Hörsaal
Tutorials: WED 16-18, Virtueller Raum 23

Title: Numerical methods for PDEs - Numerik partieller Differentialgleichung
Lecturer: Schneider, TU
Location: online
Lectures: MON 14-16 and WED 12-14
Tutorials: THU 14-16

Title: Numerical methods for PDEs - Numerik partieller Differentialgleichung I
Lecturer: Bertrand, HU
Location: online
Lectures: TUE 15-17 and FRI 11-13
Tutorials: FRI 13-15


7. Applied analysis and differential equations
Title: Dynamical systems - Mathematical Physics I
Lecturer: Suris, TU
Location: online
Lectures: TUE 10-12 and THU 14-16
Tutorials: TUE 16-18

Title: Dynamical systems - Differentialgleichungen II- Dynamical Systems II
Lecturer: Fiedler, FU
Location: online
Lectures: TUE 10-12 and THU 10-12, Virtueller Raum 06
Tutorials: MON 10-12 or WED 16-18, Virtueller Raum 25

Title: Partial differential equations - Differentialgleichungen IIB
Lecturer: Kreusler, TU
Location: online
Lectures: TUE 10-12
Tutorials: MON 16-18
Attention: In order to complete this BMS Basic Course, you must also take "Differentialgleichungen IIA" in the summer semester.

Title: Functional analysis - Funktionsanalysis
Lecturer: Wendl, HU
Location: online
Lectures: TUE 15-17 and THU 13-15
Tutorials: THU 15-17

Title: Functional analysis - Funktionsanalysis
Lecturer: Reich, FU
Location: online
Lectures: TUE 10-12 and THU 10-12
Tutorials: THU 14-16


8. Mathematics of data science
Title: Statistical methods for data science - Methoden der Statistik
Lecturer: Söhl, HU
Location: online
Lectures: THU 11-13 and FRI 9-11
Tutorials: FRI 11-13


*Additional courses:



The BMS Basic Courses take place at all three universities which do their best to coordinate the schedules according to the scheme below.