(with additional coaching for advanced doctoral candidates and postdocs)
Two days seminar on Friday 17 & Friday 31 January 2025,
at TU Berlin, room: FH 1005 (for registered BMS students and MATH+ postdocs only!), @TU, Fraunhofer Str. 33-36, 10587 Berlin (10th floor).
Trainer: Dr. Philippa Cook
For scholars with an international background, it can be a real challenge to understand how careers work in Germany both within and outside academia and many young researchers are undecided which path to take. The entry routes into jobs are not always transparent, candidates are often not well-informed about what to expect in the application process and not everyone can offer German language skills. Even if (or maybe especially if) you are unsure of your path, it is better to start planning early. In this workshop, we will start career planning at the most important place – with you! Before you reach the stage of applying, it is important to take time to reflect on what it is you really want to do, what are your core values, what motivates you, when/where do you thrive? You’ll be supported in reflecting on and identifying what is right for you, bearing in mind your current life situation, your academic skills set and your extra competencies. This workshop offers assistance with your career planning and will encourage you to prepare for your future in a focused way by creating your own, personal action plan which you can begin to implement.