One day seminar on 28 June, 10am (sharp!) to 5:30pm
at TU Berlin, room: BEL 301 (for registered BMS students only!)
Trainer: Rob Thompson

For most people, job hunting can be a daunting and demoralising task. This is especially true if you are not sure what career you want to pursue, what your most marketable skills are or how to apply.

This workshop will provide you with ways of discovering your most important skills and finding the right career for you. And because you need to land that dream job (and not just find it an lose it to someone else), you will also learn how to effectively showcase your skills to potential employers.

The workshop will show you how to:
• Reliably determine which companies / sectors that are right for you
• Accurately assess your skills (both strengths and areas for improvement)
• Effectively communicate your skills and abilities
• Understand the real criteria companies use in hiring decisions
• Stand out of the crowd without the hard sell
• Gather the information needed to aid the job hunt and salary negotiations

The workshop will include practise interviews and a section on improving self-confidence to help you remain motivated.

The workshop draws on the personal experience of all participants as well as that of the trainer; the agenda of the workshop is flexible and set by the attendees thereby ensuring that the training is specific for and relevant to the participants’ individual needs. The workshop will be a structured discussion forum to facilitate ideas and develop strategies.

The workshop will be very interactive. Expect to be asked lots of questions, expect to be challenged, expect to participate!

About the trainer

Rob Thompson has worked both in industry and with research scientists. He has over 15 years’ experience helping groups to improve their skills. His multidisciplinary experience means he is uniquely placed to bring the most appropriate practices to the scientific arena. By combining his extensive knowledge of effective techniques with his experience of training and leading groups, RT gives workshops to help scientists optimise their working practices and so become more productive.