Two days workshop on Friday, 7 and Friday, 21 June 2024, 10 am (sharp!) - 5:30 pm, 
at TU Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135 (main building), 10623 Berlin, room: H 9132 (9th floor)  
Trainer: Dr. Neela Enke
Seminar cancelled on 21 May, too few registrations

Aims and Workshop Description

Researchers face a variety of specialist, personal and organizational challenges. They need to fill a complex multiverse of role expectations while tackling diverse tasks in consideration of various organizational and content-related specifications. This requires permanent reflection of their own professional awareness of the situation at hand and constructive conversation techniques even in difficult circumstances. Sometimes hierarchy, gender and personal background further complicate the situations. So how is to develop clear, goal-oriented communication strategies even in conflictive situations, which at the same time are respectful?

This workshop enables the participants to view conflicts as chance for innovation, and professional and personal development. Communication, conflict, and negotiation competences are key aspects of professionalism and success. In this seminar participants identify their individual competencies and based on these develop a professional strategy to handle difficult situations in their research environment.

The workshop provides a platform to discuss and try out different strategies taking examples and individual experiences of the participants into account. Participants are invited to include exemplary cases from their own professional context.

• Professional communication
• Conflict basics: types, strategies, escalation patterns
• Negotiations: skills and strategies
• Dealing with unfair attacks
• Emotion management
• Gender and diversity in difficult situations

• Short input by trainer
• Self assessment
• Individual and group exercises
• Peer feedback
• Role play