One day workshop on 6 December 2013, 10 am (sharp!) - 6 pm 
Trainer: Ben Brüggemann


The participants learn to produce appealing and effective scientific posters to communicate their research outcomes to the scientific community.

Workshop structure
Contents of a poster
•    Defining the “story”.
•    Choosing a suitable amount of information.
•    Following a line of argumentation.

Graphical design
•    Title and poster sections.
•    Figures and equations.
•    Fonts, colors and arrangement.
•    Comparison of scientific and commercial posters.
•    Software and printing.

Poster presentation
•    Improving speaking skills and body language.
•    Interacting with the audience, dealing with questions and remarks.
•    How to be remembered.

Presentation by the trainer. Practical exercises related to poster design. Methods from improvisational theater to enhance the presence and flexibility during the poster presentation. Each participant gives a short presentation of an existing poster, with peer and trainer feedback for the presentation and the poster.

Please bring
•    a recent poster (A0 printout, if not available the poster as .pdf on a USB flash drive).
•    material for your next poster (figures printed at least in a4, contents, title).
•    printout or .pdf of other people's scientific posters you find extraordinary.
•    photos or newspaper pages of commercial advertisements you like.