If you are a BMS student and you would like to ask the BMS to pay the participation fee for a conference or a German language course, and you do not need reimbursement for travel costs, please follow this guide:
German Language Courses: You may find a list of some language schools in Berlin here: German Courses in Berlin.
The BMS reimburses up to 250€ for a German Language course fee in Berlin. Generally, you can only be apply for this reimbursement once during your BMS studies, however, scholarship recipients may apply a second time.
1. Send an email to the BMS Office asking to confirm the reimbursement.
2. AFTER the conference / language course has taken place, please submit the following documents printed and signed to the BMS:
- letter incl. your personal details (If you are employed at TU Berlin, instead you must use the TU Erstattungsantrag. Ask the BMS for the PSP-element.)
- original invoice
- participation confirmation
Here is a template for the letter:
An Berlin Mathematical School, TU Berlin MA 2-2, Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich bitte um die Erstattung meiner Teilnahmegebühr für die Konferenz „xxx“ i.H.v. xxx,xx€.
Original-Rechnung und Teilnahmebescheinigung sind beigefügt.
Ich bitte um eine Überweisung auf mein Konto:
Meine private Adresse ist:
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
(Unterschrift, Datum)