For student parents or in case of pregnancy we will find individual study solutions: Students can take a break, study half time or with some other kind of reduced load. The BMS will find a way to cover the student's individual needs as a parent. In order to cover part of the costs associated with childcare, the BMS will augment the BMS scholarship by a flat rate of 400 Euro per month for the first child plus 100 Euro per month for every further child in the care of a BMS student. TU, FU and HU Berlin have suitable rooms for parents with children. The Diversity Manager will help you in all matters associated with childcare - both for regular hours and for selected evenings or weekends.
(download for German speaking scholarship holders:
Familiengerechte Ausstattung von aus Mitteln der Exzellenzinitiative finanzierten Stipendien)
Support for parents in Germany
Pregnancy and childbirth
In the case of pregnancy or childbirth, the health insurance carrier usually will pay the following costs:
- medical care (e.g. regular prenatal check-ups) and care through a midwife
- provision of medicines/drugs, dressing/bandages, health aids,
- childbirth in a maternity clinic/ward (general care category)
Please ask your health insurance concerning the exact benefits.
Children of international students
The residence status of a child from international students depends on the residence status of its parents. International students (from non-EU countries) usually have a temporary residence status. The residence permit for children mirrors the status of the parent who is entitled to custody. To receive a residence permit for children from non-EU citizens proof of health insurance and finance will have to be provided. In addition, you will need the child's passport (if available), the passports of both parents, 2 passport photographs per child and the birth certificate (German original or certified translation). Children of EU-citizens receive a certificate (Freizügigkeitsbescheinigung) according to §5 AufenthG (Residence Act).
Conditions for international students to receive "Kindergeld" and "Elterngeld"
If you come from an EU or EEA country or if you are married to a German, you can receive child benefit (Kindergeld) and financial support for parents (Elterngeld). International students from non-EU countries who have a residence permit for studying (§16 AufenthG) are not entitled to these benefits.
Child Benefit (Kindergeld)
At present (from January 2021), the following monthly child benefit rates are: 219 euros for each child from the first to the second, 225 euros for the third, and 250 euros for each additional child. You should submit the application for child benefit to the child benefit office at the local employment agency (Arbeitsagentur) as soon as possible (after the child's birth is best because child benefit cannot be backdated for more than six months).
Financial support for parents (Elterngeld)
(for all children being born after the 31st of December 2006)
Elterngeld will be paid for at least twelve months, two additional months will be granted if the partner takes off some time from his/her job as well. Single parents who were employed before birth receive the support for 14 months. The amount that will be paid is 67% of the average income that was paid before - a minimal amount of 300 €, and the maximal amount of 1800 € - if the working hours are reduced to at most 30 hours a week.
The minimal amount of 300 € for 12 months will not be paid if the parent(s) receive(s) other social financial aid or aid with rented accommodation (Wohngeld). The duration of payment may be doubled (maximum 24 months) while the total amounts remain the same, i.e. only 50 % of the Elterngeld will be paid monthly.
How to balance a doctorate and family life (by HGS 2022)
Family and children (
Elterngeld (in German)
Elterngeld for scholarship holders
The amount will be usually 300 € per month for 12 months. The scholarship is not considered as income.