What happens after you have been admitted to the BMS PhD program
Phase I
Phase I admission decisions for first round applicants are sent out in March and Phase I admission decisions for second round applicants are sent out in June.
The new Phase I students will receive the BMS Admission Package via email shortly after the receiving the offer of admission. The BMS Admission Package will contain the BMS Guidebook and lots of other helpful information and registration forms for the BMS Language Course, BMS Student Housing and the BMS Buddy Program.
After you have accepted the offer of admission, the BMS will look for a Phase I advisor for you based on your academic interests indicated in your application. Often times it will be one of your interviewers. If you have a specific wish concerning the selection of your Phase I advisor, you may express this at any time. The university affiliation of your Phase I advisor will determine the university at which you will enroll as a master student.
The BMS will send all new students a detailed checklist for moving to Berlin in July. You will then also be informed about the enrollment procedure. Your BMS Liaison Officer will help you filling out the relevant forms and answer any questions you might have about your move to Berlin.
Phase II
Phase II admission decisions depend highly on the search for a PhD supervisor and funding sources. Most of them will also be sent out in March and June after the Admissions Committee Meetings, however, some may be delayed if the supervisor or funding situation is still unclear.
The new Phase II students will receive the BMS Admission Package via email shortly after the receiving the offer of admission. The BMS Admission Package will contain the BMS Guidebook and lots of other helpful information and registration forms for the BMS Language Course and the BMS Buddy Program.
The BMS Student Housing at Studentendorf Schlachtensee is usually offered to the international Phase I students first as they have the lowest income, however, most years we had rooms left over and were able to offer them to Phase II scholarship recipients as well.
The university affiliation of your Phase II supervisor will determine the university at which you will enroll as a PhD student. The BMS will send all new students a detailed checklist for moving to Berlin in July. You will then also be informed about the enrollment procedure. If you are moving earlier, please inform the BMS, so you may receive all the relevant information earlier. Your BMS Liaison Officer will help you filling out the relevant forms and answer any questions you might have about your move to Berlin.
Start of the BMS program
The regular BMS program starts in the winter semester which begins in October. All students are recommended to arrive in Berlin one month earlier so at the beginning of September, in order to get settled, take care of all administrative procedures (incl. the enrollment) and attend the BMS Language Course. Phase II students can be more flexible with their start of the BMS program as this mainly depends on their funding situation. There is also no enrollment deadline at FU, HU or TU for Phase II students.
BMS Buddy program
In the BMS Buddy program, new students are helped by an old student, who usually comes from the same country or a similar cultural background. Some advantages are:
- your buddy could possibly pick you up at the airport when you arrive in Berlin, and help you take care of administrative procedures in the first weeks,
- you can always contact him/her about practical, organizational questions (e.g. he or she can give you advice about finding an apartment) or any personal problems,
- you can also discuss with him/her about academic questions, e.g.
- Phase I: how to choose your courses, what the exams look like in Germany, how to study for the exams, what is the personal style of some specific professors like, how to find a supervisor for your Master's thesis / PhD etc.
- Phase II: how personal contact between PhD students and supervisors work, how a working group or a research seminar works, how to manage your time, how to choose workshops/ conferences, how to prepare articles and conference talks etc.
Each year, there is a buddy meeting in the end of September or in the beginning of October for all old and new students participating in the buddy program. This gives everyone a chance to get to know each other and discuss studying and life in Berlin in a relaxed environment.
BMS Language Course
The BMS organizes two German language courses for the last two weeks of September every year. One course is at the beginner’s level (A0) and one is at a slightly higher level (usually A2). Usually, the BMS does not offer a German language course for B or C levels, as there is rarely a group of new students with such advanced German language skills. These two courses are offered to the new students first and if there are still places available, these will be offered to all current BMS students. The BMS German Language Courses take place in the BMS/ MATH+ meeting room MA 212 at the TU Institute of Mathematics. This way the participants can hang out in the BMS TU Lounge before and after the course and also meet the BMS office staff whose offices are on the same floor.
BMS Orientation
At the beginning of October, the BMS welcomes all new students with the BMS Orientation Week. Attendance of the orientation week is mandatory. This week consists of:
- the BMS Orientation event with a presentation and short introduction to the BMS Core Courses
- a Master’s Study Regulations Meeting for all new Phase I students
- a Good Scientific Practice Seminar for all new Phase II students
- Campus Tours at FU, HU and TU organized by the BMS Student Representatives
- an Intercultural Training
- a Berlin Walking Tour
The BMS sends all new students an invitation with all relevant details at the end of August/ beginning of September.
All BMS students will receive an email on how to register for courses with all the current deadlines at the end of September. By mid-October all students should be enrolled and have registered for their courses. The first lectures start in the second or third week of October.