How to register for exams at Freie Universität Berlin (FU), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU) and Technische Universität Berlin (TU):
Please check out our info page on the different university websites which provides links to guides on how to use them.
Freie Universität Berlin (FU)
FU Exams office:
As an FU student, you are automatically registered for the exam through being registered for the FU course via Campus Management. If you forgot to register for the course at the beginning of term, make sure to let the examiner/lecturer know that you wish to take part in the exam and remember to book all FU courses online in the next semester. Also, visit the exams office and ask them to register you for the course retrospectively.
As a TU or an HU student, you do NOT need to register with the FU exams office but simply let the lecturer know you wish to participate in the exam. When the exam has been graded, ask the lecturer to issue an exam certificate for you.
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU)
HU Exams office:
As an HU student you must register online via AGNES for any exams that you are taking at the HU.
Please note that there are two rounds of exams each semester. The deadlines for each exam round and the exam schedule (Prüfungsplan) are announced here.
Even if you were unable to register for the actual course online at the beginning of the semester, you must register for the exam online. It is recommended that you check for your name on the exam list at the latest 12 days before the exam. The list for each specific exam can be found under "Prüfungstermine" on this page:
As an FU or a TU student, you must register in person at the HU exams office (Prüfungsbüro) in Adlershof, Rudower Chaussee 25, Haus 2, Room 2.009. The exam registration form "Anmeldung zur Modulabschlussprufung/Registration for Module Examination" is available both in German and in English. This form must be filled in online, printed double-sided and then handed in personally by you. You must indicate on the form that you are a BMS student by writing "FU & BMS" or "TU & BMS" next to "Universität". ("Nebenhörer" remains as "nein"). If you don’t add "BMS" to the form, then your exam result will remain in the exams office since the staff will not know where to send it. You must show your FU or TU student ID as proof of your student status. Please note that BMS students do not need to provide a "Nebenhörerschein".
Technische Universität Berlin (TU)
TU Exams office:
As a TU student you can register for exams online via Moses. You can find all necessary information here. Moreover, this is a guide provided by Innocampus which shows you how to register for exams on Moses. It is, unfortunately, only available in German.
The registration deadline is set by the examiners/professors but is generally one week before the exam.
If registration via Moses is not possible, please use this form:
The contact form for the TU exams office is available here and you can find an overview of all things concerning registering for exams and theses here.
If you have failed a course at TU and are going to take an exam in another course (at TU/HU/FU) to replace the failed one, you must declare your intention at the TU's exams office before you take the exam. If you only submit the grade certificate afterwards, they will not accept it as a replacement.
As an FU or HU student, you do NOT need to register with the TU exams office but simply let the examiner know you wish to participate in the exam. When the exam has been graded, ask the examiner to issue an exam certificate for you.
General info for all three universities:
If you are not enrolled at the university at which you are taking an exam, you will need to receive an exam certificate from the examiner/ professor. You will need to get this approved by the head of the exams office at the university at which you are enrolled, so the exams office can add this course to your student record.
FU: Submit the certificate to the exams office. If you want the course to count as an FU Basic Course ("Basismodul"), you need to tell the exams office which FU course the course is equivalent to.
HU: Submit the certificate to Prof. Schüth (head of the Exam's Board).
TU: Submit this form (filled and signed) together with your exam certificate to Prof. Suris (head of the Exam's Board).
You will typically have exams at the end of the lecture period (February in the winter semester, July in the summer semester) and at the end of the lecture free period or start of the next semester (April in the winter semester, September/October in the summer semester). The German universities call these the first and second exam period ("Prüfungszeitraum"). You can usually choose if you would like to take the exam in the first or second exam period. If your exam is in the first exam period and you fail, you can take the exam again in the second period. However, if you choose to take the exam in the second exam period and you fail, you will have to wait until the exam/course is offered again which is usually one year later.
You are only allowed to fail an exam twice. If you cannot pass on your third try, you cannot complete your master's degree in Mathematics in Germany.