Joscha Gedicke, BMS Phase II student, is one of the winners of the 2013 SIAM Student Paper


Dr. Nicole Megow, head of the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group at the TU Berlin and member of


2012 Evaluation Focuses on Mathematics and Science Subjects

The mathematics faculties of the three Berlin


One day workshop on 6 December 2013, 10 am (sharp!) - 6 pm 
Trainer: Ben Brüggemann

Günter M. Ziegler, Professor of Mathematics at the FU Berlin and BMS board member, was recently awarded


Two BMS students were very successful atTU Berlin's Dies Mathematicus in November 2012. Phase II student


BMS Postdoc Dr. Nicole Megow has been awarded this year's Berlin Science Prize for junior


The BMS would like to congratulate Professor John M. Sullivan (TU Berlin) and Professor Günter M.


We are very pleased to welcome Professor Hélène Esnault, previously of Universität Duisburg-Essen, as the new
