Winter Semester 2024/2025
- 1 November: Heather Harrington (MPI Dresden): Topology Data Analysis for Multiscale Biology @TU
- 15 November: Ana Maria Botero (U Bielefeld), José Ignacio Burgos Gil (ICMAT), Jean-Benoît Bost (U Paris XI), Maryna Viazovska (EPFL): A Day of Arithmetic Geometry (on the occasion of the retirement of Jürg Kramer) @HU
- 29 November: Laura Ciobanu (HWU) - Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Undecidable problems in group theory @Urania
- 13 December: Roman Sauer (KIT): From Kazhdan’s property (T) to higher-dimensional expansion @FU
- 10 January: Ilya Chevyrev (U Edinburgh): Rough Analysis @FU
- 24 January: Carla Cederbaum (U Tübingen): Coordinates are messy in general (relativity) @Urania
Summer semester 2024
- 19 April: Christoph Sorger (CNRS Nantes): Holomorphic symplectic geometry @HU (ESZ 0'110)
- 3 May: Julian Sahasrabudhe (U Cambridge): A new lower bound for sphere packing @FU (T9)
- 24 May: Alessio Figalli (ETH Zurich): Euler Lecture @Potsdam
- 31 May: Anna Wienhard (MPI Leipzig): Beyond hyperbolic geometry @TU (EW 201)
- 14 June: Heather Harrington (MPI Dresden): Topology Data Analysis for Multiscale Biology @TU (EW 201)
- 28 June: María Ángeles García Ferrero (ICMAT): On the inverse conductivity problem @ZIB
- 5 July: Alexandre Ern: Richard von Mises Lecture @HU (ESZ)
- 12 July: Martin Burger (DESY, Helmholtz Imaging): Particle Methods in Machine Learning and Inverse Problems + BMS Certificate Ceremony @PTB
Winter Semester 2023/2024
- 20 October: MATH+ Day @HU
- 3 November: Vera Traub (U Bonn): Approximation Algorithms for Network Design Problems @FU
- 17 November: Jarkko Kari (U Turku): Low complexity colorings of the two-dimensional grid @TU
- 1 December: Andreas Thom (TU Dresden): Equations over groups @FU
- 15 December: Ailsa Keating (U Wien, now U Cambridge): The symplectic topology of singularities @TU
- 12 January: Diane Maclagan (U Warwick): Tropical geometry @TU
- 26 January: Thomas Nikolaus (U Münster): The K-Theory of Z/n @FU
- 9 February: Amandine Véber (CNRS, U Paris Cité): A stochastic model for the growth of a filamentous fungus @TU
Summer semester 2023
- 28 April: Laurent Clozel (U Paris-Sud): Topological realization of Eisenstein cohomology (after Scholze) and Stephen Kudla (U Toronto): Eisenstein series and arithmetic - Celebrating the 200th birthday of Gotthold Eisenstein @HU (ESZ, Adlershof)
- 5 May: Euler Lecture: Avi Wigderson (Princeton U): The Value of Errors in Proofs @U Potsdam
- 12 May: 30th Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Anja Schlömerkemper (U Würzburg): Various Structures in Mathematics of Materials Science @FU (T9)
- 26 May: Anja Sturm (U Göttingen): Interacting particle systems and the contact process on random graphs @TU (MA 001)
- 09 June: Sven Raum (U Potsdam): Operator algebraic group theory @FU (T9)
- 23 June: Richard von Mises Lecture: Jean-Michel Coron (U Pierre-et-Marie-Curie): Boundary stabilization of 1-D hyperbolic systems @HU (ESZ, Adlershof)
- 07 July: Christian Kuehn (TUM): Multiscale Dynamics: From Finite to Infinite @FU (T9)
Winter Semester 2022/2023
- 21 October: Carlos Enrique Améndola Cerón (TU Berlin): Algebraic Statistics: Past, Present and Future @FU
- 4 November: Peter Scholze (MPI Bonn): Condensed Mathematics @HU (Adlershof)
- 18 November: MATH+ Day @TU
- 2 December: Bruno Klingler (HU Berlin): Hodge theory, between algebraicity and transcendence @HU
- 16 December: Lisa Sauermann (MIT) - Kovalevskaya Colloquium: On the cap-set problem and the slice rank polynomial method @TU EW201
- 13 January: Robert Lazarsfeld (Stony Brook U): How irrational is an irrational variety? @TU EW201
- 27 January: Bruno Vallette (U Sorbonne Paris Nord): Why higher structures? @HU (ESZ, Adlershof)
- 10 February: Stephen Wright (U Wisconsin - Madison): Optimization in Data Science @TU EW201
Summer Semester 2022
- 29 April: Max von Kleist (RKI): Data science for COVID research and in policy design
- 13 May: Maryna Viazovska (EPFL) - Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Sphere packings, universal optimality, and Fourier interpolation
- 20 May: Euler Lecture: Wolfgang Lück (U Bonn): A Panorama of L2-Invariants
- 3 June: Thomas McCormick (UBC): Why Should You Care About Submodularity?
- 17 June: von Mises Lecture: Christoph Reisinger (U Oxford): Simulation and control of stochastic mean-field models: from starlings over neurons and traders to supercooling
- 1 July: Irit Dinur (Weizmann Institute of Science): P, NP, and Probabilistically Checkable Proofs as part of the Millenium Festival Event and BMS Certificate Ceremony
Link to the live-stream - 15 July: Arunima Ray (MPI Bonn): Embedding surfaces in 4-manifolds
Winter Semester 2021/2022
- 5 November: MATH+ Day - including the talk The hardest subject in mathematics by Małgorzata Peszyńska (Oregon State University)
- 19 November: Edith Elkind (U Oxford) - Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Mind the gap: fair division with separation constraints
- 3 December: Marcos Mariño (Université de Genève): A deal with the devil: making sense of divergent series
- 17 December: Valentin Blomer (U Bonn): Analysis on arithmetic manifolds
- 14 January: Jürgen Jost (MPI MiS Leipzig): Mathematics for exploring chemical space
- 28 January: Jürgen Richter-Gebert (TU Munich): Regular 4-Polytopes, Quaternions, and Hopf Fibrations
- 11 February: Maria J. Esteban (U Paris Dauphine): Functional inequalities and their role in Analysis, Probability, Geometry and (Mathematical) Physics
Summer Semester 2021
- 16 April: Maria Chudnovsky (Princeton U) - Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Induced subgraphs and tree decompositions
- 7 May: Sebastian Pokutta (TU Berlin/ZIB): Conditional Gradients in Machine Learning and Optimization
- 21 May: Martin R. Bridson (U Oxford): Chasing finite shadows of infinite groups through geometry
- 28 May: Euler Lecture: Fernando Codá Marques (Princeton U)
- 18 June: Von Mises Lecture: Felix Otto (MPI Leipzig)
- 2 July: Kathryn Hess (EPFL Lausanne): Topological insights in neuroscience
- 9 July: Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb (U Cambridge): Mathematical imaging - together with an outlook on the upcoming TES "Mathematics of Imaging on Real-World Challenges"
- 16 July: Helmut Hofer (IAS Princeton): The Floer Jungle: 35 Years of Floer Theory - in cooperation with the IAS/Princeton/Montreal/Paris/Tel-Aviv symplectic geometry zoominar
Winter Semester 2020/2021
- 6 November: MATH+ Day
- 27 November: Elisabetta Rocca (U Pavia): Recent topics in the modeling and analysis of diffuse interface tumor growth
- 11 December: Amie Wilkinson (U Chicago): Symmetry and asymmetry in dynamics
- 15 January: Harald Helfgott (U Göttingen): Expander graphs in number theory: the prime divisibility graph
- 22 January: Rolf Krause (USI, Lugano): Scales of knowledge
- 5 February: Sylvia Serfaty (NYU Courant): Systems of points with Coulomb interactions
- 19 February: Richard E. Schwartz (Brown U): On the optimal paper Möbius band
Summer Semester 2020
- 17 April: Boris Mordukhovic (Wayne State U): Optimal control of perturbed sweeping processes with applications
- 24 April: Richard Nickl (U Cambridge: Bayesian Inverse Problems: Challenges at the interface of data science, PDEs and high-dimensional statistics
- 15 May: Euler Lecture: Fernando Marques (Princeton U)
- 29 May: tba
- 12 June: Kathryn Hess (EPFL Lausanne) - Kovalevskaya Colloquium:
- 26 June: Edriss Titi (U Cambridge): Mathematics of Turbulent Flows: A Million- Dollar Problem! (online talk)
- 3 July: Celebrating BMS - 12 years of Excellence Initiative, Certificate Ceremony
Winter Semester 2019/20
- 18 October: Dana S. Scott (Emeritus Carnegie Mellon University, Visiting Scientist/Scholar UC Berkeley): Geometry without points
- 8 November: Samuel Payne (U Texas, Austin): Tropical curves, graph homology, and top weight cohomology of M_g
- 29 November: Barbara Zwicknagl (HU Berlin) - Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Mathematical variations on pattern formation in smart materials
- 13 December: MATH+ Day
- 17 January: Bhargav Narayanan (Rutgers U): Thresholds
- 7 February: Petra Schwer (OVGU Magdeburg): Building bridges between Geometry and Algebra
Summer Semester 2019
- 26 April: Jeff Erickson (U Illinois): Variations on a theme of Steinitz
- 10 May: Euler Lecture: Claire Voisin (Collège de France)
- 24 May: Horst Martini (TU Chemnitz): Minkowski geometry from the discrete point of view
- 7 June: Kristin Shaw (U Oslo): On the topology of real algebraic hypersurfaces
- 21 June: Katrin Wendland (U Freiburg) - Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Representations of Moonshine
- 5 July: Richard-von-Mises-Lecture together with
Takashi Kumagai (Kyoto U): Anomalous random walk and diffusion in random media
Winter Semester 2018/19
- 26 October: Folkmar Bornemann (TUM): Finite Size Effects: Random Matrices, Quantum Chaos and Riemann Zeros
- 9 November: Raman Sanyal (Goethe U Frankfurt): The discrete and the continuous side of valuations -- same same but different
- 30 November: András Stipsicz (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics): Invariants of knots
- 14 December: Sylvie Paycha (U Potsdam) - Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Are locality and renormalisation reconcilable?
- 18 January: Sylvie Méléard (CMAP, École Polytechnique): Stochastic dynamics for adaptation and evolution of microorganisms
- 8 February: Deane Yang (NYU Courant): Minkowski problems for convex bodies
Summer Semester 2018
- 27 April: Louis J. Billera (Cornell U): In pursuit of a white whale: On the real linear algebra of vectors of zeros and ones
- 4 May: Euler Lecture: Emmanuel Jean Candès (Stanford U)
- 18 May: Christine Bessenrodt (Leibniz Universität Hannover): Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Symmetries and tensor products
- 1 June: Fatiha Alabau-Boussouira (U Lorraine / LJLL at Sorbonne U): Control theory and some applications on inverse problems and degenerate equations
- 15 June: BMS Friday on the occasion of Grothendieck's 90th birthday:
Moritz Kerz (U Regensburg): Negative algebraic K-theory, Carlos Simpson (U Nice): From the nonabelian Grothendieck period conjecture to the structure of surfaces uniformized by the ball - 22 June: Richard-von-Mises-Lecture: Daniele Boffi (U Pavia): Finite element approximation of the Maxwell eigenvalue problem
- 29 June: Felipe Cucker (City U of Hong Kong/EVF TU Berlin): On the homology of semialgebraic sets
- 13 July: Monique Laurent (CWI Amsterdam): Ordering data with combinatorial graph algorithms
Winter Semester 2017/18
- 27 October: Steffen Lauritzen (University of Copenhagen): Graphical models
- 10 November: Ilaria Perugia (U Vienna): Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Trefftz finite elements
- 24 November: Claus Scheiderer (U Konstanz): Spectrahedral shadows
- 15 December: Anna Wienhard (U Heidelberg): A tale of rigidity and flexibility: discrete subgroups of higher rank Lie groups
- 19 January: Marlis Hochbruck (KIT): On the numerical solutions of linear Maxwell's equations
- 2 February: Hélène Barcelo (MSRI/UC Berkeley): Discrete Notions of Homotopy and Homology
- 16 February: Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb (U Cambridge): Model based learning in imaging
Summer Semester 2017
- 21 April: Michael Hutchings (UC Berkeley): Symplectic embeddings of cubes
- 5 May: Klaus-Robert Müller (TU Berlin): Machine learning and AI for the sciences -- towards understanding
- 19 May: Euler Lecture: Alfio Quarteroni (EPFL Lausanne)
- 2 June: Sujatha Ramdorai (U British Columbia): Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Galois representations and Iwasawa theoretic invariants
- 16 June: von Mises Lecture: Thomas Valentin Mikosch (U Copenhagen): Richard von Mises and the development of modern extreme value theory
- 30 June: Avi Wigderson (IAS Princeton): Randomness
- 14 July: Camillo De Lellis (U Zurich): The Onsager Theorem and folding papers
Winter Semester 2016/17
- 21 October: Alexander Martin (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg): Combinatorial optimization problems with physical constraints
- 4 November: Maryna Viazovska (HU Berlin): Solving packing problems by linear programming
- 17 + 18 November: BMS 10th Anniversary
- 2 December: Peter Teichner (MPIM Bonn): Four-dimensional Manifolds revisited
- 16 December: Christoph Benzmüller (FU Berlin): Computational Metaphysics: The Virtues of Formal Computer Proofs Beyond Maths
- 13 January: Dietrich Stoyan (TU Bergakademie Freiberg): Stochastic Geometry in Nature, Arts and Design
- 27 January: Monika Ludwig (TU Vienna): Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Geometric classification
- 10 February: Endre Süli (U Oxford): Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods: Stability, Accuracy, Adaptivity
Summer Semester 2016
- 29 April: Shiri Artstein-Avidan (U Tel Aviv) - Kovalevskaya Lecture: Billiards in convex domains
- 13 May: Enrico Arbarello (U La Sapienza, Rome): Enumerative geometry, intersection theory and moduli spaces
- 27 May: Euler-Lecture - Yuri Manin (MPIM Bonn)
- 17 June: Bernd Sturmfels (UC Berkeley): Tensors and their eigenvectors
- 8 July: Henry Cohn (Microsoft Research New England/MIT): Mysteries of sphere packing in high dimensions
Winter Semester 2015/16
- 16 October: Geordie Williamson (MPI Bonn): Mathematics in light of representation theory
- 30 October: Pierre Cartier (U Paris-Diderot and IHÉS): Towards a Galois theory of transcendental numbers
- 13 November: Christian Haase (FU Berlin), at TU Berlin: Hodge Numbers & Lattice Points
- 27 November: Emo Welzl (ETH Zurich): Crossing-Free Perfect Matchings, etc., on Wheel Point Sets
- 11 December: Julia Wolf (U Bristol) - Kovalevskaya Lecture: Quadratic Fourier Analysis
- 15 January: Philippe Michel (EPFL): Applied l-adic Cohomology
- 29 January: Christof Schütte (ZIB): Model reduction for stochastic processes exhibiting multiple scales
- 12 February: Lex Schrijver (U Amsterdam), at TU Berlin (Horst-Wagon Saal H1012): The partially disjoint paths problem
Summer Semester 2015
- 24 April: Peter Bürgisser (TU Berlin): Geometry, invariants, and the elusive search for complexity lower bounds
- 08 May: Nina Gantert (TUM, Munich): Random media and percolation
- 22 May: Euler Lecture: Cédric Villani (UPMC/CNRS): Of particles, stars, and eternity
- 29 May: Workshop on Nonlinear Algebra
- 12 June: Nathalie Wahl (U Copenhagen) - Kovalevskaya-Lecture: Stabilizing symmetries
- 26 June: von Mises Lecture: John Walsh (U British Columbia): Some remarks on stochastic partial differential equations
- 10 July: Benjamin Sudakov (ETH Zurich): Induced matchings, arithmetic progressions and communication
Winter Semester 2014/15
- 17 October: Volker Remmert (U Wuppertal): Visual representations of the mathematical sciences in early modern Europe
- 31 October: Martin Henk (TU Berlin): Geometry of Numbers: Convex Bodies and Lattice Points
- 14 November: Stephanie B. Alexander (UIUC) - Kovalevskaya-Lecture: Alexandrov Geometry
- 28 November: Anders Björner (KTH): Random walks on complex hyperplane arrangements and self-organising libraries
- 12 December: Alberto Abbondandolo (Ruhr U Bochum): A promenade on the two-sphere
- 09 January: Joachim Weickert (U Saarland): Image Compression with Differential Equations
- 23 January: Angelika Steger (ETH Zurich): The determinism of randomness and its use in combinatorics
- 06 February: Joseph M. Landsberg (Texas A&M U): What can geometry tell us about computer science?
Summer Semester 2014
- 25 April: Eduard Feireisl (Czech Academy of Sciences): Interaction of scales in mathematical fluid dynamics
- 09 May: Mario Arioli: A gentle introduction to complex and quantum graphs and their applications
- 16 May: Euler Lecture: Martin Hairer (U Warwick): Taming infinities
- 23 May: Alina Marian (Northeastern U): Volumes of moduli spaces -- will take place within the framework of the MAF Intensive Course @ HU
- 06 June: Craig S. Kaplan (U Waterloo): Metamorphoses and deformations of tilings
- 13 June: von Mises Lecture: Leszek F. Demkowicz (UT Austin): Finite elements for Maxwell equations
- 20 June: Rahul Pandharipande (ETH Zurich): Cohomology of the moduli space of curves
- 04 July: Christian Bär (U Potsdam): Positive curvature in 4 dimensions
- 18 July: Myfanwy Evans (U Erlangen) - Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Geometry... in a material world...
Winter Semester 2013/14
- 18 October: Ileana Streinu (Smith College): Degrees of Freedom
- 01 November: László Lovász and Katalin Vesztergombi (Eötvös Loránd University Budapest): Limits of graphs and nondeterministic property testing
- 15 November: Boris Springborn (TU Berlin): Discrete conformal maps
- 29 November: Martin Burger (U Münster): Patterns and Minimal Models
- 13 December: Felix Otto (MPI Leipzig): Playing with Partial Differential Equations
- 10 January: Benson Farb (U Chicago): Braids, homology, permutations and polynomials -- ZIB lecture hall
- 17 January: Jeff Weeks: Visualizing Four Dimensions (Handout available for download)
- 31 January: Lilian Pierce (HCM) - Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Bringing the Carleson operator out of Flatland
Summer Semester 2013
- 19 April: Reinhold Schneider (TU Berlin): Hierarchical Tensor Product Representations
- 03 May: László Székelyhidi (U Leipzig): Bending Surfaces and Turbulent Energy Cascades
- 31 May: Euler Lecture in Potsdam with David Eisenbud (MSRI): "Syzygies from Cayley to Kontsevich and beyond"
- 14 June: von Mises Lecture with Louis H.Y. Chen (National University of Singapore): "From functional equations to probability approximations: The amazing Stein's Method"
- 21 June: Etienne Emmrich (TU Berlin): On monotone operators, evolution equations, and existence via discretization
- 05 July: Mireille Bousquet-Melou (LaBRI): Self-avoiding Walks
- 12 July: Barbara Wohlmuth (TU Munich) - Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Numerical analysis for computational science
Winter Semester 2012/13
- 19 October 2012: Ulrich Pinkall (TU Berlin): Decomposing Smoke into Smoke Rings
- 02 November 2012: Joachim Schwermer (U Wien): On arithmetically defined hyperbolic 3-manifolds
- 16 November 2012: Opening of the RTG Stochastic Analysis
- 30 November 2012: Alan Rendall (MPI): Spacetime singularities and heteroclinic chains
- 14 December 2012: Jason Cantarella (U Georgia): The geometry and topology of random polygons
- 11 January 2013: Opening Colloquium of IRTG Moduli and Automorphic Forms
- 25 January 2013: Özlem Imamoglu (ETH Zurich) Kovalevskaya Colloquium: On Klein's j-invariant
- 08 February 2013: Dorothy Buck (Imperial College London): DNA knots: Why they're (biologically) important and (mathematically) interesting
Summer Semester 2012
- 20 April 2012: Edriss Titi (UC Irvine): The Navier-Stokes, Euler and Other Related Equations
- 11 May 2012: Simon Brendle (Stanford U): Euler Lecture in Potsdam
- 08 June 2012: Karen Vogtmann (Cornell U) - Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Outer Spaces
- 22 June 2012: Tom Banchoff (Brown U): Folds, Intersections and Inflections for Smooth and Polyhedral Surfaces: Distinguishing Cylinders from Möbius Bands (Download Presentation)
- 29 June 2012: Martin Bridson (Oxford U): Discrete groups: A story of geometry, complexity, and imposters (Download Presentation)
- 06 July 2012: Peter Mörters (U Bath): Tossing coins, matching points, and shifting Brownian motion
Winter Semester 2011/12
- 21 October 2011: Charlie Elliott (U Warwick): Evolving interfaces and surfaces
- 28 October 2011: Hannah Markwig (U Saarland):
What corresponds to Broccoli in the real world? (Download presentation) - 11 November 2011: Ingrid Daubechies (Duke University) (Kovalevskaya Colloquium): Distinguishing the "hand" of the master?
- 02 December 2011: Igor Rivin (Temple U): Probability, geometry and algorithms of matrix groups
- 09 December 2011: James Sethian (UC Berkeley): Advances in Advancing Interfaces: Efficient Algorithms for Inkjet Plotters, Coating Rollers, Semiconductors, Retinopathy Diagnosis, and Chemical Pathway Analysis
- 06 January 2012: Gitta Kutyniok (TU Berlin): Imaging Science meets Compressed Sensing (Download presentation)
- 20 January 2012: Penny Haxell (U Waterloo): Independent transversals, or, choosing faculty committees (Download presentation)
- 03 February 2012: Michael Kupper (HU Berlin): Risk, model uncertainty and nonlinear expectations
Summer Semester 2011
- 15 April 2011: Katrin Bringmann (U Köln): Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Mock theta functions, probability and cellular automata models
- 29 April 2011: John M. Sullivan (TU Berlin): Ropelength criticality for knots and links
- 13 May 2011: Dan Spielman (Yale U): Approximating Graphs and Solving Systems of Linear Equations (presentation for download)
- 20 May 2011: Euler Lecture Potsdam: Timothy Gowers (Cambridge): The internet and new ways of doing mathematics
- 27 May 2011: Ulisse Stefanelli (IMATI): Evolution = Minimization ?
- 10 June 2011: Valery Alexeev (U Georgia): Polytopes, tilings, and compact moduli of algebraic varieties (Presentation for download)
- 24 June 2011: Bernd Sturmfels (UC Berkeley): The Central Curve in Linear Programming (Presentation for download)
- 01 July 2011: Richard von Mises Lecture: Christian P. Robert (U Paris Dauphine): On Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) methods
- 08 July 2011: Wendelin Werner (U Paris Sud - Orsay): Random surfaces and their geometry
Winter Semester 2010/11
- October 22, 2010: Don Zagier (MPI Bonn): Mathematics in Another World - A report on Japanese mathematics in the Edo period
- November 5, 2010: Marie-Françoise Roy (U Rennes) Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Certificates of positivity
- November 26, 2010: Jean-Benoît Bost (U Paris-Sud Orsay): The work of Jacobi on elliptic functions: an introduction for today's mathematician
- December 3, 2010: Joel Spencer (NYU): Der Zauberer von Budapest - Paul Erdös and the Rise of Discrete Mathematics
- December 10, 2010: Rafael Nunez (UCSD): What then is Mathematics? A view from Cognitive Science
- January 14, 2011: Jens Funke (U Durham): Hecke and Langlands - A little bit of number theory
(Presentation for download) - January 28, 2011: Bernd Wegner (Zentralblatt für Mathematik): Zentralblatt MATH - the gateway to mathematics literature
- February 11, 2011: David P. Williamson (Cornell U) Humboldt Lecture: What Computers Can Compute
(Presentation for download)
Summer Semester 2010
- April 23, 2010: Lex Schrijver (CWI and U Amsterdam): Bounding Stable Sets in Graphs and Codes
(Presentation for download) - May 7, 2010: Andrew Stuart (U Warwick): Inverse Problems
(Presentation for download) - May 21, 2010: Marcus du Sautoy (U Oxford): Through the looking glass: groups from a number theoretic perspective
(Presentation for download) - May 28, 2010: Euler Lecture Potsdam: Wendelin Werner (U Paris-Sud)
- June 4, 2010: Ciro Ciliberto (U Roma 2 - Tor Vergata): Geometric aspects of polynomial interpolation in more variables
(Presentation for download) - June 18, 2010: Doron Zeilberger (Rutgers U): The Number of Isomers of Nicotine
- July 2, 2010: Alison Etheridge (U Oxford) Kovalevskaya Colloquium: The pain in the torus: modelling populations in a spatial continuum
- July 16, 2010: Aner Shalev (Hebrew U Jerusalem): Words: From Number Theory to Finite Simple Groups
Winter Semester 2009/10
- October 23, 2009: Andreas Griewank (HU Berlin): "Derivative based Optimization"
- November 6, 2009: Ragni Piene (Oslo) Kovalevskaya Colloquium: "Counting curves: the hunting of generating functions" (Presentation for download)
- November 20, 2009: North German Algebraic Geometry Seminar (NoGAGS): Klaus Hulek (Hannover): "Geometry of Moduli Spaces" (Presentation for download)
- December 4, 2009: Jack van Wijk (Eindhoven): "Knots, Maps, and Tiles: Three Mathematical Visualization Puzzles" (Presentation for download)
December 18, 2009: Peter K. Friz (TU Berlin): "Rough paths and the Gap Between Deterministic and Stochastic Differential Equations" (Presentation for download)
January 8, 2010: Martin Rumpf (Bonn): "Geodesics in the the space of shapes"
- January 22, 2010: Felix Mühlhölzer (Göttingen): "Surprises in Mathematics" (Handout for download)
- February 5, 2010: Victor Buchstaber (Manchester/Moscow): "Combinatorics of simple polytopes and differential equations" (Presentation for download)
Summer Semester 2009
- April 24, 2009: Michael Hintermüller (HU Berlin): "Use Level Sets and Relax!"
(Presentation for download) - May 8, 2009: Benedict Gross (Harvard): "Values of zeta functions at negative integers and the dimensions of spaces of modular forms"
- May 15, 2009: Keith Ball (UC London) "The second law of probability: entropy growth in the central limit theorem"
(Presentation for download) Extended Version for download (PPT) - May 29, 2009: Euler Lecture in Potsdam: Hendrik W. Lenstra (Leiden): "Modelling Finite Fields"
- June 12, 2009: von Mises Lecture in Adlershof: Albert Shiryaev (Steklov Institute of Mathematics): "From von Mises' COLLECTIVE to Kolmogorov's COMPLEXITY"
- June 19, 2009: Margaret Wright (New York University), Kovalevskaya Colloquium: "Non-derivative optimization: Mathematics, engineering, or heuristics?"
(Presentation for download) - July 10, 2009: BMS Summer Outing to MPI in Golm: Cedric Villani (ENS Lyon/Princeton): "Legacy of Boltzmann"
(presentation for download) (talk for download)
Winter Semester 2008/09
- October 17, 2008: Norbert Schappacher (Strasbourg): "Political Space Curves"
- October 31, 2008: Martin Skutella (TU Berlin): "Flows over time - classical and more recent results"
- November 14, 2008: Michael Rapoport (Bonn): "On the zeta function of Shimura varieties"
- November 28, 2008: Wolfgang Lück (Münster): "Topological Rigidity"
- December 12, 2008: Jay Jorgenson (City College of New York): "Identities in Euclidean and Hyperbolic Geometry which follow from Existence and Uniqueness Theorems"
- January 9, 2009: Susanne Albers (Freiburg): "Network Design Games"
- January 23, 2009: Annette Werner (Frankfurt), Kovalevskaya Colloquium: "Bruhat-Tits buildings and their compactifications" February 6, 2009: Gil Kalai (Hebrew University Jerusalem): Helly-type theorems
Summer Semester 2008
- April 25, 2008: Gerard van der Geer (Amsterdam): Modular forms and counting curves over finite fields
- May 9, 2008: Wolfgang Dahmen (Aachen):Compressed Sensing
- May 23, 2008: Euler Lecture in Potsdam: Michael Hopkins, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
- June 6, 2008, Please note: change of location - Kleist-Saal at Urania:Hans Föllmer (HU Berlin): Bright spotlights, dark shadows: probabilistic aspects of financial risk
- June 20, 2008: Eva Bayer-Fluckiger (EPFL) Kovalevskaya Colloquium: "The Euclidean division"
- July 4, 2008: BMS visits the Wissenschaftssommer (Summer of Science) in Leipzig
- July 11, 2008: Opening of the BMS Lounge at FU with BMS Summer Party (Sommerfest)!
Winter Semester 2007/08
- October 26, 2007: BMS Professor Herbert Edelsbrunner (Duke/Berlin):Measuring scale before simplification
- November 2, 2007: Wendelin Werner (Université Paris Sud) Coloring at random
- November 9, 2007: Rainer Weissauer (Heidelberg) Coverings of Riemann surfaces and a new kind of Galois groups
- November 23, 2007, at HU Adlershof: Claus Michael Ringel (Bielefeld): Invariant subspaces of nilpotent operators
- December 14, 2007: Ilka Agricola (HU Berlin): The E8 challenge
- January 11, 2008: Rupert Klein (FU Berlin): Multiple scales in Weather and Climate
January 25, 2008: Ruth Kellerhals (Fribourg) Hyperbolic isometry groups and small volume (Kovalevskaya Colloquium) - February 8, 2008: BMS Professor Shmuel Friedland (Chicago/Berlin): Counting matchings in graphs, with applications to the monomer-dimer models
Summer Semester 2007
- May 4, 2007, 10:00-12:00: a LaTeX workshop with Christoph Eyrich
Colloquium at 14:00: George Francis (U Illinois, Urbana-Champaign):
Designing computer animations with chalk and blackboard - May 11, 2007, 2007, Kovalevskaya Colloquium by Olga Holtz (TU Berlin):
"How to multiply matrices fast (and why bother)?'' - May 25, 2007, in Potsdam: Euler-Vorlesung in Sanssouci
- June 8-10, 2007, at TU Berlin: Graphics workshop, with Bill Casselman (UBC, Vancouver),
the cover graphics editor for the Notices of the AMS - June 8, 2007, at TU Berlin, MA 043: Alexander Barvinok (U Michigan, Ann Arbor):
The asymptotic equivalence of counting and optimization - June 15, 2007: Bill Casselman (UBC, Vancouver): An illustrated history of geometry
- June 22, 2007: Andrei Okounkov (Princeton): Box counting
- June 29, 2007, at the BMS Loft of the Urania: Albert Cohen (Paris 6):
Harmonic Analysis and Image Processing - July 13, 2007: Bernd Sturmfels (Berkeley/Berlin): Algebraic Degree of Semidefinite Programming
- July 20, 2007: Jan Kristensen (Oxford/HU Berlin): The Problem of Regularity in the Calculus of Variations
Winter Semester 2006/07
- October 20, 2006: Jürg Kramer : Overview of the BMS
- December 1: Excursion to Dresden, Guided tour to the Mathematisch-physikalischer Salon of the Zwinger
- John Sullivan, TU Berlin: Geometric knot theory
- November 3, 2006: Peter Schröder, CalTech: "Discrete Exterior Calculus with an application to circulation preserving simplicial fluid simulation"
- November 17, 2006: The first Kovalevskaya Colloquium: Hélène Esnault, Essen: "Congruences for the number of rational points of varieties defined over finite fields"
- November 24: Robert Bryant, Duke University: "Aufwiedersehen Surfaces, Revisited"
- December 15: Karl Sigmund, University of Vienna: "Gödel's Vienna" (celebrating the end of the Gödel year)
- January 19, 2007: The first Mathematics as a Whole Colloquium: Martin Aigner, FU Berlin:"Volumes, polyhedra, and prime numbers: A common combinatorial look"
- February 2,2007: morning program: BMS-Workshop on Presentation Training with Brigitte Lutz-Westphal
Eberhard Knobloch: "Euler and Leibniz on the infinite" (celebrating Euler year 2007) - February 12/13, all day, at the BMS Loft of Urania: BMS Days
- February 16: See the sea - Excursion to the Berlin Aquarium